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added comment inLandmarks Assignment Example 1: Back
First ever attempt at this. Welcome any criticism. :)
Brando Gould
I would say some of the things in this drawing are working well, you are clearly looking at the forms and trying to assess where the landmarks are, but also the work is a little messy. For example the head is not a perfect circle like you've indicated here, the scapula and soulders are a bit off. Try to watch the video again and really understand what bumps and indicators on the photograph are leading Stan to seeing the underlying structure of the scapula. Your overall proportions and gesture are not bad! I would just try to focus a little bit more on mark making, line quality and accuracy! Keep it up!
Hi, completelly newbie at art. Welcoming any comments/critiques. Want to find out/ understand my many flaws with this drawing :).