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Cade Burdett
added comment inAdding Structure to Live My Dream
Asked for help
I hope everyone has been good! I finally set some time aside since getting back in town. Felt good to tackle this project and overall I’m satisfied with this result. Could be better looking at now, but it’s definitely an improvement from the first project in this course. Please let me know if you have any suggestions!
Thank You
Hi! Something that can help with accuracy in placement is to align elements with vertical/horizontal line measurements on your reference. E.g. the green line reveals that the tip of the hat, start of the nose bridge, and tip of the beard all align on the vertical. This can help you assess where to place key elements or correct as you go along your drawing. Hope this helps :)
Cade Burdett
Asked for help
Hello, this is my submission for this project. Please let me know if you have any suggestions!
I think using constructions lines at the begining can help you a lot. For example, a center line in your drawing would have made wonders in your drawing. It helps you place things a bit more accurately. For example, it would have helped you place the nose, the mouth and the chin at the right angle and placement in relation to one another. In your drawing, the chin and mouth are way to the left in relation to the eyes and nose. Construction lines can also help to place the angle of the eyes in the same place. Hope this helps, mate!
how are you doing @Cade Burdett
Hey I’m doing great! I just got back from vacation a couple days ago and haven’t done much drawing the last couple weeks. I thought I would have more time to draw, but I just wanted to enjoy the time I had with my family. I did some sketches here and there, but nothing worth posting. Thank you for checking in though! It really means a lot! Hope you’re doing well too!
Cade Burdett
Asked for help
Day 30:
Actually slept for a while on the plane ride today, so I didn’t really draw as much as I thought I would. I need to keep working on my proportions in order to make my drawings look better. Just gotta keep drawing! Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
You need to follow what you are learning in the drawing fundamentals class, and use simple shapes. You are trying too hard to draw hands, instead, draw simple shapes, it's so much easier.
Cade Burdett
Asked for help
Day 29:
Attempted the camel today from the level 2 of the CSI project in the Drawing Basics Course. I had to rush it a little bit because I’m going to be traveling all day today so I wanted to post one drawing while I had access to the internet. It’s gonna be a long flight so I’m going to have plenty of drawings tomorrow! Please let me know if you have any suggestions!
Thank You
I haven't gone through the course, so I don't know the assignment, but the biggest thing I'd say is to look for the big 2d shapes. Try to picture the subject as a very simple shape, instead of trying to draw the complexity. This allows you to establish basic proportions, such as the legs, which on yours have gotten very wide. This happens because there is so much detail, and we start focusing on the curves of each leg instead of the overall shape of the four legs as a whole. It's tricky in perspective, where the body is foreshortened. You can see I did the same mistake on my version, where I made the back legs a bit too far away, as if we're looking at the subject more from the side.
Cade Burdett
Day 28:
I’m really glad I went back again through the Basics course! I’ve noticed a huge difference in the quality of my sketches so far! Thank you to everyone that has given me such meaningful feedback. Please let me know if you have any suggestions!
Cade Burdett
Asked for help
Hey everyone! I just finished the boots. I’m finding the envelope technique to be very helpful when measuring out proportions. Please let me know if you have any suggestions!
Cade Burdett
Day 27:
Had a blast drawing this snail! The project was to simplify the contour of the snail using only CSI lines, but I couldn’t help but add some values in there! Thanks to @draft_al I wasn’t afraid to go a little darker with some of them. It was cool designing the shape of the shell with this one starting with what Stan and @Jesper Axelsson have been suggesting with the envelope. It was much easier to adjust the proportions at the beginning. Excited to do another one or two after work tomorrow. Please let me know if you have any suggestions!
Yeah, awesome!!!👏👏👏I think this is the best drawing I've seen you do so far! I hope the accuracy tips helped :)
- You tend to make proportions too wide, same thing in the portraits you've posted previously, so keep an extra eye on that.
- Try to think more about volumes in your next drawing (this will be talked about further down the course, so I might be getting ahead of myself XD). When you're drawing, think like you're building a sculpture; the shell is a ball of clay, the core of the body a cylindrical clay sausage, and the wider part of the body a flattened piece of clay. This might help three dimensional thinking.
Keep it up! 😎
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2023/7/6. Good morning everybody. Here's my latest long figure drawing. I used pencil, graphite, charcoal on Kento paper (A3 size). Thanks for your comments and critiques.
Wow! I can’t believe how real this looks! Really cool! Just out of curiosity, how long did it take you to draw this if you don’t mind me asking?
Cade Burdett
Hey Jake! I’m biased because I started a thread myself haha, but I think you should do it! It helps keep me accountable and encourages me to get up and start drawing. Whatever floats your boat, do it! I’m still learning myself, but I think looking for the shapes in the head might help bring your portraits into life. This looks more like you were looking just at the contour alone. It’s very hard but try to simplify it down. Good luck!