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Juan Carlos Sanchez
added comment inHow to Draw Accurate Proportions
Hi guys, do you think this methods works for life drawing too?
I've used these methods in past life drawing scenarios and it does help. Especially when drawing buildings(because they are stationary and dont move, so you have a lot more time to observe and measure and look for relations). But this can also be done with people, animals, or whatever else in life.
Followed along while watching the demo. I tried making more completed sketches of a couple of the drawings I did and I think the shapes came out really well. Especially the banana shaped one.
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Pretty cool assignment. I think I can do a much better job exaggerating the shapes next time.
Gergely Vörös
I had a lot of fun with this one. The shape design was the most challenging part. But once I got some inspiration from the work of Chris Ayers (who has amazing shape designs, btw.), it went so much better. I can't wait to continue exploring shapes more in the next lessons.
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Perfect timing for this line master study, as I just got this collaboration book with art by Kim Jung Gi and Katsuya Terada. They have pretty amazing line drawings so I decided to practice from there. I only used a fountain pen and a brush pen for each drawing, as I think that's how each master drew them. I did notice while attempting to replicate the lines, that you need to have a flow, momentum, and confidence to get some of the lines.
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I don't have a printer and I do not feel like finding my drawing tablet and setting it up, so I drew the entire rhino by hand. So it helped me get some practice in of the previous lessons. Hopefully the lines show up well enough in the picture. I think I did a really good job capturing the proportions of the rhino. I also tried focusing on using the line weight to make sure the front leg appeared to be coming forward the most.
anyone know a website of images i can sketch for practice?
I know its late, but for anyone coming later, I also recommend I use it for gesture/figure drawing. You can set timers for sketching the poses too.
Brody Bohrn
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I did a Long tailed Indian Paradise Flycatcher. I picked this animal because of the feathers on the head and the long flowy tail. I love how much movement and gesture the tail conveyed. I could've been much more dynamic with the final drawing, but that's ok.
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Took me a while to figure out how to get the drawing from imagination. I practiced drawing from the references a bit first to get comfortable with drawing the lion. Then I reminded myself to draw a little looser and draw big shapes(generally starting with the mane and kinda going from there) to get something to go off of. And then once I finished the drawing I realized it didnt take up the entire page. Oh well.
Redrew the project larger, and with a prismacolor pencil. Because I already had a design/layout, it was easier to draw the second time using bigger shapes. And the prismacolor goes down much lighter which helped me be a lot more loose.
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Attempted to use only straight lines for outlining. But I now realize I could have done a better job at keeping the lines/edges more clear on the inside to show the different planes on the surface of the pears.
Here is some progress I've made with the portrait. I have to go in with the darker values, especially for the hair, which is going to be challenging. I have to figure out how to tackle the thinner strands of hair coming over the face.