How to Sculpt a Female Torso

Figure Sculpting Fundamentals

Bonus Sculpting Demos

How to Sculpt a Female Torso

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How to Sculpt a Female Torso

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Andrew Joseph Keith
Learn the entire process for sculpting the female torso!
I had fun doing this one over!
Andrew Joseph Keith
great job!
I'm planning on doing this exercise again.
Rone Waugh
I am looking to make small, 12" - 18", abstract figurative sculptures. Are there videos on this?
Andrew Joseph Keith
There will be a couple video lessons on exactly that but they will come after our lessons on the primary forms of the head, rib cage, and pelvis. If you do one before the lesson comes out then let me know and I can give some suggestions. Abstraction is a fun exercise or sure!
Hi! Thanks for all your lessons. I've improved a lot following your wire guide and just can't wait to practice more. Two questions. As I'm working with water-based clay, if I want to cook it how (and when) should I remove the armature? I heard maybe in the introduction lesson that we'll create a mold, but couldn't find how on your course. Can you recommend some online resources on the subject that I can trust? thanks a lot!
Andrew Joseph Keith
1. Hey yes if you’re working in water based clay than I would let it firm up a little (not quite leather hard) an then use a knife to cut out the armature. If the clay is too dry it will crumble so don’t let it be too dry and it also may need some supports without the armature if it is too wet so it is a delicate balance. My friend who works primarily with water based clay uses a single metal rod as an armature for the full figure and nails it into a board, then he lets the sculpture firm up slightly and removes the rod, covers the hole and slow fires it solid. That’s something else you might like to try. 2. Yes there will be a lesson on mold making but its going to be super basic. I recommend checking out the YouTube channel “Brick in the Yard Mold supply” because they have in depth tutorials on mold making and different types of materials. Also Eirik Arnesen’s YouTube channel has some videos showing his methods for making molds for figurative sculpture. Mold making could be a course in and of itself for sure.
Strahinja Milutin
Strahinja Milutin
Charles Tryon
Okay! A little behind here on my posts, but decided to come back for a second attempt at this sculpt. Also, working on doing a better job with the documentation. I obtained another PoseSpace set (Evae005) to work from. I tried the Da Vinci Eye app with some success, but found it most useful to grab a subset of the images and physically print them out to stand behind the piece as I worked. I went back to my earth based clay (Black Raven), which will turn pure black when fired. (One image included here as an example.) I didn't know how aluminum would respond in the kiln at 2,000°, so I used a wad of paper and tape. The problem with this was, it did NOT provide enough structural support to the clay, so maintaining the gesture was challenging (clay kept sagging under its own weight. :-P ) The photos here are of the clay just as it is reaching the "leather-hard" stage in drying
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey Looking great! Beautiful clay! I love the look once fired. Where do you get that clay from? Yes water based clay is tricky, I have a friend that works primarily in water based clay and he uses a single steel rod hammered into a piece of wood as an armature so that he can stabilize it when wet and then once the clay becomes firmer he removes it from the wire pole and fills the hole. He then fires it very slowly so that he doesn’t have to hollow it out. Paper and tape works fine as well but as you noticed it doesn’t give a lot of support so you have to let the clay become firmer.
Andrew, here is my attempt at the female torso. This took a couple of hours. Mostly by hand with some help with a small tool. Let me know your thoughts.
Rob Whicker
Here is the 2nd attempt
Rob Whicker
Ok so I accentuated the gesture and increased the secondary features, what do you think ?
Andrew Joseph Keith
Again I'd say try to push the gesture, push it even further than the reference pose. that's a great exercise to start to see and apply gesture. Keep it up!
Rob Whicker
Ok Andrew, here are a couple of female torsos I have done from poses from, I limited myself to 2 hours each starting with a tinfoil bean armature… feedback and advice on how to make them better greatly appreciated :)
Rob Whicker
Further refinement
Rob Whicker
Accentuated the gesture and put in more secondary features, what do you think?
Andrew Joseph Keith
Great job! I'd say to focus more on the gesture, yours is looking a little stiff. It also feels a little off balance. Keep it up! I look forward to seeing more!
Shyamsagar S
Hai @Andrew Joseph Keith .Great content as always. I was not able to find for the reference images. Not sure if am spelling it wrong. Could not find the links in the description also. Would you please pass on the correct link.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Gary Stratton is the site he was referencing in the video
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Proko sculpting instructor. Sculpting takes drawing to a whole new dimension.
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