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Strahinja Milutin
added comment in2024 Figure Sculpture Competition!
Asked for help
Strahinja Milutin
Thank you very much Andrew! I'm way behind in these lesson, but I will catch up. I look forward to check out whatever you're planning next. Much love!
Mon Barker
Asked for help
Hello all. For these attempts I tried to find as many rhythm connections as seemed appropriate….may have over complicated them a bit in the process (?). I figured out each pose in pencil first then went over with charcoal pencil in a vain quest for that elusive line quality - frustrating, and charcoal pencil was not a miracle cure. The flow was ok but the taper does not want to reveal itself for me. I must be sharpening the pencils wrong 😑.
Made some attempts from other artists whose figure drawing/photography I admire (Moebius, Bruce Gilden). Goal was to make a bridge to drawing from imagination by trying to figure out poses without all the landmarks of the naked body and when covered with clothes. Even got a dog in there, which was nice. Let me know what you think!
I like your shapes and style. Also, number 4 was hell for me too, I tried multiple times and did pretty bad :D
Strahinja Milutin
Asked for help
Definitely took more than 5 minutes per drawing. The poses are great, but also pretty hard :D I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks.
The look great Strahinja especially ref nr. 6
It looks to me like you draw the contour line instead of the lines of moment, am I correct or did you first sketched the movement and then the countourlines?
You still got a lot of rhythm in drawings, which is impressive.
How ever, if you want to exaggerate your stances in the future, then it helps to first draw the line of the dominant movement.
Hope this helps.
Strahinja Milutin
Thanks for this great lesson! I was waiting for something like this, and the fact that it is longer than usual makes it even better :D There is a lot of great information here. I would really like to get into the figure drawing more. I wonder if I should take anatomy lessons first, before getting into figure drawing?
Strahinja Milutin
Hi Andrew. Here is my first nose study, I followed your video and tried to use my nose as a reference in a mirror. Thanks.
Strahinja Milutin
Asked for help
I did master studies after Viktor Titov, Egon Schiele and Ken Barthelmy