Charles Tryon
Charles Tryon
Fayetteville, GA USA
Activity Feed
Charles Tryon
First, it's an amazing drawing!! Her hair is perfect. The only thing that jumps out at me is that her eyes are a tiny bit too open, especially her right eye. I know I do this all the time. It's incredibly subtle, but a tiny tweak like that in the eyes can really change the mood of the subject.
I'll keep this in mind for my next portrait. Thanks for the feedback!
Charles Tryon
I've done a lot of sculpting of the female figure, but have never spent the time to get good at the male figure. I think one problem is that the male figure really requires you to know the underlying anatomy and muscle structure, while with a female, you can often get away with smoothing or blurring a lot of the musculature. Yeah, I know... it's cheating (not to mention lazy), but it's real. :-P Sounds like I need to up my game, and get me some decent reference photo sets.
Charles Tryon
Speaking of the PoseSpace photo sets, here is a sculpt I did recently based on one of the models. I took some liberties with the gown, but hopefully the figure has the same energy...
Andrew Joseph Keith
Great job! This is looking great Charles!
Charles Tryon
Asked for help
Question: does the 12DAYS code apply to pose sets?
Charles Tryon
Wow... I love the overall feel of the sculpture, and then down into the anatomical details, and even the way her glut muscles shape around the stool she is sitting on. I like the way you've randomized the surface texture to give the clay a kind of soft quality.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey thanks! Yeah I liked how this one turned out and I feel that I’ve gotten a little better with each competition so hopefully that continues!
Charles Tryon
Working on sculptures, this time with terra cotta clay. So... did I push the movement hard enough in this one? ;-) (Work in progress. 9" tall. Not fired yet. We'll see if she makes it through the fire.)
Charles Tryon
Just sold this piece at a local art show! "Into the Storm". Yeah, this was a hard one to let go of, but good to know she has found her true home. ;-)
Charles Tryon
Checking through the Pose Space site, and it has a LOT of great material!
Andrew Joseph Keith
For sure!
Charles Tryon
Okay! A little behind here on my posts, but decided to come back for a second attempt at this sculpt. Also, working on doing a better job with the documentation. I obtained another PoseSpace set (Evae005) to work from. I tried the Da Vinci Eye app with some success, but found it most useful to grab a subset of the images and physically print them out to stand behind the piece as I worked. I went back to my earth based clay (Black Raven), which will turn pure black when fired. (One image included here as an example.) I didn't know how aluminum would respond in the kiln at 2,000°, so I used a wad of paper and tape. The problem with this was, it did NOT provide enough structural support to the clay, so maintaining the gesture was challenging (clay kept sagging under its own weight. :-P ) The photos here are of the clay just as it is reaching the "leather-hard" stage in drying
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey Looking great! Beautiful clay! I love the look once fired. Where do you get that clay from? Yes water based clay is tricky, I have a friend that works primarily in water based clay and he uses a single steel rod hammered into a piece of wood as an armature so that he can stabilize it when wet and then once the clay becomes firmer he removes it from the wire pole and fills the hole. He then fires it very slowly so that he doesn’t have to hollow it out. Paper and tape works fine as well but as you noticed it doesn’t give a lot of support so you have to let the clay become firmer.
Charles Tryon
Interesting discussion on "what is art?" I've also wondered, "What is the difference between art and craft?" There is also a discussion about what is the difference between good and bad art.
Charles Tryon
Just found some more Al wire buried in a drawer. ;-) It's not heavy gage but stiffer, so may hold up a larger piece. (Says "Electric Fence" wire, 17 gauge.) Worth experimenting with.
Charles Tryon
Okay... so "Not all wire is created equal." I may just need more practice, but this wire is a challenge to work with. Ended up okay though, I think. Cranial unit of 1". Now just need to build a figure around it...
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