How to Draw Ears – Step by Step

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How to Draw Ears – Step by Step

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Make sure to check out the last lesson on anatomy and structure for the ears before continuing.

In this lesson, I’m going to introduce a concept called shadow mapping. Basically during shadow mapping you focus on defining the shapes and edges of the light and dark pattern. But first, let’s start with the very important, linear layin.

Step One – Layin

I’ll start with the angle of the connection to the head. and find the biggest shape of the ear, focusing on getting the width to height relationship and the correct angles of the plane changes.

Now I’ll focus on the complex shapes inside the ear. Make sure to constantly compare shapes to the shapes around it. Keep checking angles and the size relationships of the shapes.

Breaking up the curves into segments of straights makes it easier to design and draw accurately. also, It’s ok to exaggerate shapes if you think it will make for a better design.

layin of the ears

Step Two – Shadow Mapping

The linear laying I have so far, doesn’t change, no matter where the lights source is. It simply indicated the forms. During the shadow mapping stage I’ll focus on the specific shapes cause by the light.

So, I always start by evaluating what angle the light source is coming from. In this case, looks like its at the top left.

light sourse of the ear
shadow mapping ear

As I map the shadow pattern, I will be indicating either a core shadow or a cast shadow. The core shadows will usually have a soft or firm edge, whereas cast shadows will usually have a very sharp edge.

So, simultaneously I’m indicating the shape of the shadow as well as the edge of the shadow.

Step Three – Separate Light and Shadow

Separate the lights from the shadows. Stay simple and don’t lose control of your values. Try to ignore all the dark halftones and only fill in the shadows. Remember, reflected lights are part of the shadow family. So fill them in as a shadow. The way to make them look like reflected lights is to darken the areas around them, not by lightening them. If you lighten them, they will become part of the light family and that will hurt the form.

A very good guideline to follow is “The darkest light, is lighter than the lightest dark.”

light and shadow ear drawing

In other words, never make your reflected light lighter than your halftones. Of course with the exception of very reflective surfaces like metal and water.

Step Four – Occlusion Shadows

In the deep crevices of all these forms, I’ll add the dark accents of the occlusion shadows.

occlusion shadows ear drawing

Step Five – Highlights and Halftones

In the final stage, I’ll add some smaller planes in the lights with halftones and defining highlights. Most of the volumes in the ear should be shaded like organic cylinders. Make sure these volumes feel round.

finished ear drawing

Want to learn more? Check out the next lesson on how to draw hair!
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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