Hand Assignment Part II Example 1


Hand Assignment Part II Example 1

Peter Tinkler
The first study of this particular hand exercise. Tricky, but fun to try and make it up. I used my own hand as a guide as best I could for this, and then enjoyed Stan's take on it.
Melanie Scearce
This looks awesome! I love seeing the progression. One thing I noticed is that you pushed some of the darks pretty dark in your final drawing. I was curious what it would look like if it was pushed back a bit. It's more personal preference but it's interesting to think about. Great work :)
Sandra Süsser
This was really helpful! Test and study hand.
Sita Rabeling
So difficult this one… But here is the result 🫢 with some help of Procreate which I still have to learn.
Sita Rabeling
This was the process of the last trial.
Marco Sordi
2021/11/29. Good morning everybody. Here's my assignment for this section. I used the reference Stan provided for the lesson on the hand bones (you can see the gesture is similar to the one on the video above but not the same). I proceeded starting with the gesture and then establish the main proportion, the primary, secondary and tertiary forms. Thanks and have a good week.
Jesper Axelsson
Really Nice! - In the reference, the middle and index finger, have a very subtle bend, that give the underarm and hand an s-curve gesture, that could be nice to capture. In this drawing and the one in your next post the fingers are very straight. Eventhough it's subtle, try to look for ways to get more gesture into the fingers -It would be nice if you indicated the planes and angles of the phalanges of the thumb, to give a more thumblike look. When looking at the shaded drawing from far away, the thumb reads a little like Robin Hood's and Marions nails in the Disney movie. - In the reference the thumb's distal phalanx is at a different angle Hope this helps :)
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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