In this demo, I will be using the one of the references images I provided during the grayscale painting lesson and demonstrating a different method I use when painting in grayscale.

Robert Edwards
Trying with provided ref. Very tough.

Robert Edwards
I’m still learning to be comfortable with values. Might have overworked this one a bit. I wanted to let the legs fall into shadow but fell into a terrible middle ground that resulted in underbaked feet. Looking forward to more grayscale paintings though. This brown tone process was very fun.

Lauri Panopoulos
Lovely work
Martin Defensor
Emphasizing the hips and twisting the forearm is the difficult part for me. I had to cut and free transform.

My complete lack of anatomy knowledge is starting to really embarrass me
Sokolowski Clément
Second assignement. I really enjoyed the exercise with a more traditional approach. As advised I tried to stylize and get rid of excessive details. I'm not sure about the light values i chose...
Kong Vue
Nick Brokaw

Jonnathan Avelino

Vincent Yu
The process with this brush was really difficult, couldn't used it effectively so I am not sure I enjoyed it, for now atleast. Blending was hard, especially with the coloured sketch. But since I was way out my comfort zone, I learned a lot, and even with my lack of anatomy knowledge and wrong decisions (the right arm mainly), I quite like the result. I wanted to blend with a soft brush but thought it was needed to stay with incomfortable brushes.
It is very hard to control these brushes but I'm having a lot of fun blending with them!
Nick Dahlquist
I like John's approach using the under-painting. I started my image the same way and then finished the rendering in color.
Kateryna Klymenko
Hey, here is my try, I have a hard time finding simple shapes and being thoughtful about brush strokes that I’m putting down, but thinking about it as an assignment really helps to finish the painting even when you’re not confident enough

Cesar Pingarrón
I need a bit of help mostly with the legs they look airbrushy I don't know why, thanks in advance.
You did a great job with proportions! For the legs, I would suggest doing practice rounds of creating hard edges that end with soft edges. The legs look like they're rendered with soft edges. You can go on a separate later and use the same brush but then erase to make a hard edge.

Hitya Ríos
Here is my assignment. I know it has a lot of mistakes but it is the first time I use a digital software for painting (procreate). I'm gonna do my best to improve! Any feedback would be really appreciated.
James Paris
This is my assignement after 1h40 minutes , I'm okay with the result, It's still pretty rough but I wanted to see what would be the result without spending to much time on it. However, I think I'm gonna refine it later
Jake Miller
About 7 hours, maybe 6 if I cut AFK moments from it. I recorded my whole process this time, nothing special. I still struggle a lot with small details but I am starting to really like the double sided brush.
Near the end I ended up switching to the non textured solid double brush and it immediately made detailing so much easier. I don't know what it is with the first double bristle brush, but it loses a lot of coherence at small sizes, like the texture overrides it, still had a bit of trouble even at 3000+ pixels.
I could definitely use a lot of face work too, might need to go over that course again. Hmm, surprisingly having more difficulty with faces than hands.

Memori 0
Hi guys.
So I decided to give this one another go, the second one (white bg) was 10 months ago. This feels like a big improvement, yet I feel like I'm completely lost, it feels like this is too much for me.
Any feedback would be really helpful and much appreciated.
Hans Butler
my rendition of the assignment after the sketch
Hans Butler
I did the follow up assignment a found a picture of a sculpture on line that I liked using the same technique taught in the lesson.
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2D Art Lead at Hi-Rez Studios