Martin Defensor
Martin Defensor
Activity Feed
Martin Defensor
My drawings for this lesson.
Martin Defensor
My drawings for this lesson.
Martin Defensor
Assignment completed using both traditional and digital tools. I find the traditional method more enjoyable while using software is a bit faster.
Martin Defensor
I still need to learn more about the directional angles of the upper body and the alignment of the spine. Thanks for the explanation!
Martin Defensor
It is time-consuming but very satisfying once it's finished, I look forward to learning more awesome topics!
Martin Defensor
Very difficult, but it was worthwhile! Some of the artworks here are truly outstanding! Any feedback is appreciated, thank you.
Martin Defensor
I'm relieved to have finished the assignment, although I'm not completely satisfied with it. I need to practice distinguishing grayscale values, especially when it comes to interpreting the values in clothing.
Nice! I really like how you handled the ruffled collar. It looks super smooth.
Martin Defensor
Difficult but I am starting to get the hang of it. I am doing my best to make the hair and face look like a real portrait. Switching to the painting layout that provided a lot of swatches helped so much.
Martin Defensor
Emphasizing the hips and twisting the forearm is the difficult part for me. I had to cut and free transform.
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