Critique - Learning to Sketch from Observation

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Course In Progress

Critique - Learning to Sketch from Observation

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Course In Progress

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The assignment for this project was to pick from one of the 3 cleaned up outlined drawings and do a loose sketch of them. The goal with doing these was to improve your line quality. During this level 1 critique I did one of the drawings and then realized that I didn’t capture the pose. You’ll see me revisit the sketch and exaggerate it. Remember, these assignments are meant to be challenging, but also fun and I hope you’re able to keep that in mind as we progress further in the basics course. 

If you want to attempt this assignment you can download the reference images and submit your work in here!

Intro to Drawing Basics
13 Types of Lines and How to Use Them
How to Draw Confident Lines - The Tapered Stroke

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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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