Assignment - Penciling
Assignment - Penciling
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Creating a Comic Page

Assignment - Penciling

Assignment - Penciling


Assignment - Penciling



Your assignment is to create a full-size comic page from your reduced size layout. Here are the steps to follow:

Transfer the Layout: Use a light box or a computer monitor to trace your reduced size layout onto a full-size panel. Focus on loose placement rather than precise details.

Tighten Up the Page: Start by establishing panel borders and laying in proper perspective for each panel, especially for larger scenes. Then, lightly sketch each element in the panels before tightening them up.

Focus on Construction: Ensure you use proper construction techniques for faces, figures, and environmental elements. At this stage, avoid getting too detailed; just aim for the cleanest, simplest version of your full-size page.

Add Final Details: Once the whole page is re-established as a tightline drawing, proceed to add line weight, shadows, and rendering. Work systematically through the page to address and fix any issues at each stage.

Digital Work: If you prefer, you can work digitally.

Be sure to post images of your final reduced size layout along with your final pencils.

Neill Brengettsey
Matthew Manghi
Here are the pages I’ve been working on. I’ve also included the final versions that I’ve colored and lettered as well.
Aaron Smith
These are excellent!
Pamela D
Great work, especially your colours!
Adolfo Naranjo
Thanks David and the Proko team for such an awesome course! I’ve learned a lot and I feel like this course has helped me get that much closer of one day being a pro comic artist. I got a script from the website David recommend. Still working on a few pages but this is what I have so far
Dani Flajsz
Hi David, thank you for all the great tutorials! Here're the layouts and pencilled pages of my short comic. I did the layots digitally, they're pretty crude, so lot of changes happened between the layouts and pencilling stage. I drew the final pages traditionally, although with a blue pencil, so after scanning I had to convert them to greyscale and turned up the contrast, hopefully this way they will be much more visible for you!
Allan Bednar
Thank you for any comments! Layouts in pencil, final is digital so pencils and inks are one stage.
Maurice Wennbo
My storyboard page got messed up. I only have one of my full size pages. Doing this for fun again after all these years. Your stuff is amazing David.
Pamela D
Hi David thank you for all the great lessons and this assignment. I made two versions one with Thor facing forward and the other looking back at Bruce Banner. Haven't decided on my favourite right. yet :)
Pamela D
I have been trying out another version with shadows and dappled light to see to get a dark background to add more mood to the scene.
Juan Sanchez
I am submitting my thumbnails, roughs and then the lightbox finished piece for two pages (both follow each other). I have more finished pages done (5 total) but I know you only wanted one (so I gave you two :).
Roland Karafa
Hi David,i tried to fix everything you mentioned on the last critique video,unfortunetly due to lack of time i could not finish the other page.
I ended up inking everything during the final details phase, because it's easier to do that digitally. I hope that' s ok! I've attached the script for both pages as well.
Shaun Yager
My finished pencils. I'm really happy with this, I've learned a lot from this course
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About instructor
I’m a comic book artist for Image, Marvel, DC, and others.
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