Juan Sanchez
Hi I am an art director/storyboard artist for film and TV.
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Juan Sanchez
added comment inTop 7 Comic Portfolio Mistakes
My only gripe on the subject is that there are no entree point to get in anymore. As far as what I have experienced now a days, it is virtually impossible to get your work looked at by an ACTUAL EDITOR from a big named company like Marvel, DC or Dark Horse, for that matter, at any convention. I work in the film industry and as an freelance art director and storyboard artist, I have an easier time dealing with actual industry directors and producers on majors projects than actually meeting an editor from Marvel to look at my work or website for that matter. I have made good money doing what I do but if I had that opportunity to work for a comic industry giant, I would do it in a heartbeat. To me, comics is something that I always wanted to do since I was a child and I have been drawing all my life. Sorry but it's silly to have a commentary on tips and mistakes when there is no actual level on ingress into the business but besides to create your own book as a possible solution for an entree point. Some of us do not have that luxury. I remember the time when you could go to a convention and get your work looked at by a big named company editor. Not any more.
Juan Sanchez
Asked for help
I am submitting my thumbnails, roughs and then the lightbox finished piece for two pages (both follow each other). I have more finished pages done (5 total) but I know you only wanted one (so I gave you two :).
Aaron Smith
I like this. Really good work.
Thanks Aaron. Boba Fett and Dengar my favorite characters. So there is love to draw those two.
Aaron Smith
Good job!
Thank you Aaron! I went ahead and fixed another board (Board 4 [the angle forces me to bring Peter closer to the camera, otherwise it is impossible for him to be the height he is at that distance])
Here is my assignment. Made an adjustment on the 4th board.
Fixed last page piece. Boba's head in one panel was a little bit off and one of the mercenary's arm was a bit smaller for me in the last panel. Now fixed.
Here are my boards for the three scenes. I made one panel adjustment to my one of them.
Here are my boards for the pencil assignment. I am aware there were only three scenes: intro, action, and resolution but I actually wrote the script assignment and my boards still represent the three scenes shown in 7 boards. Hope they are readable. Enjoy.
I created a DnD inspired Troll from the 1st and second edition tabletop RPG illustrations (Monster Manual). I figured I needed something to add to my portfolio that would be fun to sculpt.