Dani Flajsz
Dani Flajsz
Activity Feed
Dani Flajsz
Hi David! I don't know if you read the comments, but I really want to thank you for your critique. You said so many nice things, I'm totally flattered! And of course I'll try to incorporate in my next work all the things you suggested. For the pencilling I've used Caran d'Ache photo line blue pencil. (The pencilled pages I've sent for the critique was converted to greyscale and I adjusted brightness/contrast/levels for you to be able to see the lines). Sadly this is a pretty smooth pencil, but I loved inking on the blue lines, so I'll try to find a harder blue pencil next time. My inking is somewhat in between the thumbnails and the pencils. Not as many big blocks of blacks as on the thumbnails, but definitely more blacks than on the pencilled pages. I wish I could be more bolder with my inking, and it would be great if I could somewhat simplify my style a bit, to be able to work faster. Sadly I only have like 1-2 hours to draw a day, so these 6 pages took me like 5 months to create, not too ideal for making a full comic. I attached one of my inked page (with the thumbnail and pencilled page). I hope that you'll have the time to do an inking critique video for this course later. Fingers crossed :) Thank you again David, I appreciate your review so much!
Dani Flajsz
Hi David, thank you for all the great tutorials! Here're the layouts and pencilled pages of my short comic. I did the layots digitally, they're pretty crude, so lot of changes happened between the layouts and pencilling stage. I drew the final pages traditionally, although with a blue pencil, so after scanning I had to convert them to greyscale and turned up the contrast, hopefully this way they will be much more visible for you!
Dani Flajsz
Here is my final submission, Fright Chicken. I hope you'll like her :)
So pretty!
radha goyal
the man was eating chicken and your hero is punishing him
Amit Amliwala
I love the classic comic book style and the ink work is incredible
This is great! Love the oldschool style
Roxane Lapa
Hilarious concept and beautiful style
Lasse Jin Brøgger
Ha ha, be aware of ordering chicken food :D This is very well done and awesome style.
The pun killed me xD
Not the bucket :(
Gino Datuin
This is just great. Love the figures, love the scene and setting, and this color palette is very nostalgic and retro. And that costume is so ridiculous but amazing. Good job.
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