Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey I’m reaching out to ask for images of your first sculptures! If you are anything like me they were probably pretty terrible and you probably made some common mistakes that most beginners make. I need references for an upcoming lesson on “top 10 sculpting mistakes” so if you’d like your work featured submit it here! Don’t be self conscious and the worse the better! Haha whether its the face, a feature study, torso, or full figure. If it’s a sculpture and its terrible post images below! (If possible good quality, well lit images) I look forward to seeing your worst work!
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Hello, here is my next one ready for comments and critiques. Reference is Felicia 004 from posesspace.com. Thank you
Allen Haroldsen
I would just bring her left leg in closer or even directly under her center of balance. It would be a little more dynamic that and it shouldn’t be that hard to do. Just my suggestion.
Andrew Joseph Keith
This one is looking great! there's nothing that really stands out to me to be fixed so I'd just keep going to the next one or develop the anatomy and forms of this one a little more. That being said you don't want to overdo the anatomy. I'm really impressed! keep it up.
Asked for help
Hello, another study ready for your comments and critiques. Reference is dawnmarie 020 from posespace.com All responces are appreciated.
Andrew Joseph Keith
This is looking great! It really feels like you've captured the gesture and feel of the pose. Keep it up!
Asked for help
Hello, this is my first try. Reference is jenni 026 from posespace.com Any comments and critiques are welcomed.
thank you
Steve Lenze
I think the pose has more tension in it, but I really like the more relaxed pose you sculpted, nice job ! :)
thank you
Helen Huang
My first (man) and second (woman) ones. I originally thought the first one was a disaster. But when comparing them, I found the second one could be even worse… I think I really need to learn anatomy now :)
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey these are not bad at all! great job! I think you can continue to develop these. continue to focus primarily on the silhouette. the anatomy is always tricky but so far it looks like you've done a good job of focusing on the primary forms first! Keep it up!
Strahinja Milutin
This was my attempt to sculpt The Predator. I guess I wanted to compare it with the Zbrush model that I'm doing, or It's just unintentional photo bomb, I can't remember haha.
Here is my first ever sculpture, and I think it's very well suited to point out common beginner mistakes :D
Andrew Joseph Keith
Way to go on making your first sculpture! Keep going! move onto the next one!
Julee Davis
My first sculptures I have ever done.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Awesome! Thanks!
Marena Kehl
I took a hammer to this one. I don't have photos of my very first sculpture.
Ryan Fisher
Here is the first bust I attempted when I discovered sculpture. I sent this to you via IG when I was working on it. You were very supportive and helpful. I am still thankful for that. Excited about the new Proko courses! Good luck.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey thanks! I'm glad to hear that! I see you use the same little skull reference I like!
XInying Lin
And also here are two following ones. The male one is the most recent one and hasn’t been finished yet. (Seems like I can’t change the sequence of the pictures on phone) Any advices are more than welcome!
Andrew Joseph Keith
Awesome thanks for submitting! Keep it up!
XInying Lin
Hello this is my very first one. I think it is a bit too rough to provide any typical mistakes..
Andrew Joseph Keith
awesome thanks!
Tania Carmichael
Hello, the sitting figure is my first and the lying down figure is my second attempt at sculpting a figure.
Andrew Joseph Keith
these are great! keep it up!
Ke Sigerson
I actually really like the back arch of your lying down 2nd photo.
Jose Ardern
they are all the ones I have done.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Awesome thanks!
Richard Husky
I can't say this was my worst project, but it was early on in the learning process. Unfortunately, I wasn't smart enough to photograph my first piece (which was worst than this...big head, wrong proportions, no anatomy) And, This was back when we were still processing film, so I was a cheap skate ;) I will say that there is something very humbling about photo documenting...Just when you think it looks good-take a picture (it sucks after that). Nonetheless, this was not one I was very fond of and is good candidate for pointing out errors.
XInying Lin
Yes I also have a hard time presenting the work the right way in the photo. They seem to be much more out of shape than the work really is lol
Richard Husky
found a back shot...
Alfredo Negron
Here you go Andrew! I doubt this was my first sculpture ever, but this picture was taken nearly 30 years ago (notice the very modern phone to the left!). So it's among my firsts as it's pretty old!
Charles Tryon
Interesting that, even with the rough spots, he still has a lot of character.
Charles Tryon
Well, not horrible, but plenty of things which, looking back, I can see are some classic mistakes. These are from when I had just started getting serious about figurative sculpture, ten years ago. A note about the figure with the lantern -- her bottom half is actually a lighthouse on the tip of a rock outcrop. "A Light in the Storm"
Andrew Joseph Keith
Asked for help
Help me out! Post bad sculptures!
Anubhav Saini
Sirr it's my very first clay sculpture.
N. Yeagy
😄In this class, I will be making a stitch in time for my first sculpture. This is how far I have gotten so far. It's looking pretty interesting...😂
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