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Weekly watercolor thread
By Gannon Beck
I wish I could commit to painting in watercolor daily, but I think that's a bit unrealistic. Nevertheless, I want to paint more and I am starting this thread with the intent of posting to it at least once a week with watercolor paintings and sketches.
Here are a few of my recent efforts. The first two floral paintings were demos I followed out of Julie Pollard's book, "Watercolor Unleashed", and the last two were studies done from the same photograph.
This is a community thread, so let's exert some positive peer pressure on each other and sling some paint!
7 hours ago
Daily Drawing With Timer Challenge
By Gannon Beck
I enjoyed the habit of drawing everyday during the 12 Days of Proko. The timer tool is great and there are lots of professional photos to work from. I took one day off from it and got right back on it. Now the habit is a fixture in my daily routine.
I've been posting the images in the two week challenge thread in the Drawing Fundamentals Course, but since a.) this will be a longer habit than two weeks and b.) not everyone on Proko is enrolled in that course, I'm starting a thread here.
Anyone inclined, feel free to join in. Use the timer and whatever photos you have packs for, or are freely available.
Here are a few two minute sketches from me--mostly from the Viking Volume 2 Pack.
22nd Day of Proko and counting.
9 hours ago
Weekly Thumbnail Challenge
By Gannon Beck
When I was doing my Alex Ross Kingdom Come master study, I came across his original thumbnail in "Mythology, The DC Art of Alex Ross."
I'm sure this little sketch only took a few minutes, but so much about what makes the final piece amazing, is right there from his initial conception.
Thumbnailing is one of the most creative parts of the picture making process. When staring at the white of a blank sheet of paper, the possibilities are infinite. As soon as the first mark is made, it starts to become specific, literally making something from nothing--creation in its purest form.
For many, me included, this part of the process is intimidating, but like anything else, we can get better at it with practice.
As 2024 draws to a close, I'm nearing the end of my scheduled master studies. From them, I learned a lot about the painting process. The next step as we start 2025, is to apply what I've learned from that process to my own original compositions.
But what to paint?
In this thread, I plan to develop a thumb-nailing habit, and from the library of ideas I intend to generate, to pick a few to complete as paintings. I love comics, so you'll see a lot of comic book cover concepts from me, but it doesn't need to be limited to that.
As this is a good habit for all of us that are interested in picture making, this is an open thread anyone can join in. No finished pieces here, just rough concepts--the first efforts you make when wrestling with the blank page or canvas.
Good luck! I hope you join in.
3 weeks ago
Daily Sketching From Life Challenge
By Gannon Beck
I want to draw from life more than I have been. This thread is my attempt to jump-start the habit of daily life sketching.
If anyone wants to join in, feel free. The only rule is that you have to draw (or paint) the world around you without using photo reference.
6 months ago
Speedpaint challenge - Red Panda
Hi everyone :) I issue a speedpaint challenge! Paint or draw the attached (totally adorable) Red Panda in your own style:
* Within 2 hours
* By Sunday 13 June
Post your result here including your medium, and how many minutes it took you in total (up to 120 mins).
Bonus points for also including one interesting fact about Red Pandas if you want to.
Have fun! :)
Photo credit -
6 months ago
Design a character from this Mop
Lol, I took this picture last night. Whoever can design the best character from this mop wins a free course.. Post submissions here. If you post on Instagram, tag me and use #proko. I'll pick a winner this Wednesday afternoon pacific :)
7 months ago
daily drawings
By Chester Lin
stuffs I draw from doodles to studies( hopefully some finished ones too ) everyday!! feel free to do critiques on my artworks(they're mostly bad)
11 months ago
I create a art! Please rate this and suggest some tips for improving my art!
By Emma Wilson
Recently I created a portrait and I requested all of you. Please suggest some helpful tips and rate this portrait.
11 months ago
8 minute draw challenge
By @lez
I attempted the 8 min draw challenge, I'm not good at drawing but I think I did pretty good!
Here are my 8,4,2,1 mins and I dont know how I feel about the 30 min one lol
1 year ago
🎮 Depict a scene from one of your favourite video games
Draw or paint any scene, from reference or imagination, from one of your very favourite video games 😁
When you post tell us:
* Why you love the game so much, and
* Why you chose that particular scene
Deadline - End of June 2021
Feel free to enter more than once if you want to depict multiple scenes, or scenes from more than one game. Have fun! 🎮😁🎨
2 years ago
Draw Yourself As a Peanuts Character!
By Katey Jensma
Hi Proko People! I'm Katey and I am the Community Manager at Proko. Since everyone seemed to love the art prompts in October, we are going to start posting a weekly art prompt for the community. Just like Proktober, this is a fun way to practice your skills and connect with your fellow artists, this is not a contest.
In honor of the season, this week's prompt is:
Draw Yourself As a Peanuts Character!
2 years ago
Bored as hell, mentor needed
By @pirl
Sup, I’m a junior. unfortunately Self-taught as well as bored as hell in floridian wasteland (save me eric andre). I want to improve on everything including my consensus. I barely have any close friends i can talk to about my absolute love for art and story. I’m also deeply disappointed with everyone around me because they feel so lifeless in their love for their passion. dunno if im depressed tbh. I want a ticket out of this alligator wasteland. I dont care if its cali or new york but i want it to be something exciting. so bored even considered joining the army for some excitement
2 years ago
Night Scape
Create artworks, preferably oil-paintings (but any medium is allowed, particularly digital art is welcome), that depicts a scene at night.
Some ideas include natural landscapes with the night sky, sky with the moon or any other urban or suburban composition at a night time.
There's many different directions and themes one can go for, so definitely personalise your entry.
Some moods that can be invoked include, for example, serenity, wonder or perhaps mystery.
I will be creating some artworks inspired by this theme too, so I'll share them here, but of course they are there only for some reference and involvement.
Prizes? I wish there was a way I could award at least a prize for the winner, but as is, there's no prizes. So this is more of a curating competition.
Best of luck!
Shared picture is a digitally stretched image (for various reasons this was the best I could do for getting a picture) of a work-in-progress oil-painting titled "Scenery by the Roadside at Dusk".
2 years ago
Sunset thumbnail plein air challenge
By Charlene
This is something of a combination of @Tiffanie Mang's landscape thumbnail challenge with some advice I got from Stan prior to the Draftsmen Plein Air painting episode.
Something I've wanted to try to do is be able to capture sunset colours. I find that my camera always dulls and flattens the colours and I don't trust pictures on the internet because they look over edited. So my solution to attempt to practice this is to paint thumbnails during the sunset. Here are my attempts thus far done with watercolour paint and my pan set of gouache. Constructive criticism and advice is appreciated!
- You have to paint the sunset thumbnails from life, not from photos.
- I think it would be great if we could constructively critique each other's work before posting work. I feel like the community aspect here is kinda lacking and that's because I think the majority of us want to get advice from others, but few are willing to share it. So before posting your own thumbnails, critique the post before yours and then post your thumbnails.
3 years ago
First Date Challenge
By John B
You’re on a first date and it’s going well. You’re at a diner and your date excuses themself to go to the bathroom. While they’re gone you take out your pen and start sketching something on your unused paper napkin to impress your date. What do you draw?
A Rose
A Dragon
A Mermaid
A Car
CHALLENGE: The person you're with is only gone for 5 minutes so time yourself and sketch what you chose from the list. Post your drawing below :)
3 years ago
2021 - Mermay challenge
By Gabriel Kahn
I thought I'll make a topic where you guys could drop your entries for this year's Mermay challenge.
I'm interested in your art :)
Here is mine
3 years ago
Improve an old sketch!
By Katey Jensma
New Community Prompt!
Take a previous sketch from your sketchbook and redraw it. New medium? New Style? New Skills? Let's see them!
*This is a fun way to practice your skills and stay motivated, this is not a contest.
3 years ago
2021-Drawing from imagination challenge
By San
Hi everyone!
Thought to start a challenge myself. I hope everybody would be participating. So, for this month's challenge, I chose drawing from imagination as a subject. Yeah, its hard to draw from imagination, I confess; but that's why its a challenge! A challenge should be a real one, right! So, create anything you wish, a character or a item, anything you want. You can use digital or traditional media, on any ratio. Have fun!
Last date to submit: 30th June
Media: Anything
Ratio of canvas: Any ratio
Prizes: Critiques, up votes , and praises! (For every participant)
3 years ago
Is it ok to post our own challenges here?
I’ve been thinking how fun it would be to post and participate in user submitted challenges like “paint something starting with Z”, or “heres a reference photo use it as inspiration for a new artwork and post your results by the end of the week” or even “draw/paint this still life in the style of Sergeant / Van Gogh / Loomis” etc.
I noticed in the description for this topic that it said it was for official Proko challenge submissions so thought I would check first? Thank you.
4 years ago