2021-Drawing from imagination challenge
Hi everyone! Thought to start a challenge myself. I hope everybody would be participating. So, for this month's challenge, I chose drawing from imagination as a subject. Yeah, its hard to draw from imagination, I confess; but that's why its a challenge! A challenge should be a real one, right! So, create anything you wish, a character or a item, anything you want. You can use digital or traditional media, on any ratio. Have fun! Last date to submit: 30th June Media: Anything Ratio of canvas: Any ratio Prizes: Critiques, up votes , and praises! (For every participant)
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Kei Kun
Asked for help
Uhm i see people still submmitting is this challenge still open or.....what?
space bean lul
Ross Cline
Asked for help
Hello all, Here is an image straight out of my imagination. I am somewhat happy with it, but of course I want it to be stronger. This was inspired by some friends during a game. I would love any comments, and a full on critique would be great.
love it . and really good shading . and this is all with out reference correct ?. if so not bad at all 😄✌
Duncan Clench
This is perfect ... I only paint from imagination and I have never once planned one of these, I tend to just randomly do brush strokes or paint a sky and then just pick our shapes and keep going until I think it looks cool. Feedback super welcome, I have been doing art for 2 years and want to get to a stage where I can paint whatever landscape I like, not just noxious dusklike hellscapes ... This one is called "A Balrog is Forged" and I did this after re-watching the Lord of the Rings Extended Editions, the Balrog was always so cool and there is not much about them in the lore so I took a lot of liberties.
Ross Cline
I like the drama of the light and the energy of the red embers. It's a very emotional piece.
I tried to do some imaginative stuff and this is all I could come up with.
Levi Simpson
Wasn't exactly sure how finished the work needs to be for this challenge, or if it's simply just doing something right from your head, but here is one from me. At some point I hope to have a new scanner so I don't have to take photos with my phone. :D Also, first post here!
Ross Cline
I have the same issue, (no scanner). It's very frustrating but this image is very nice.
Thats so cool!!!
Harmony Steel
Very cool! Beautiful sketch work too. There’s an app you should be able to get for phone called Scanner Mini that does a really good job if you’re looking for a temporary scanning solution. I have it on my iPad. Pretty sure it’s free from memory,
Yiming Wu
Aha I happened to have done one today :D Also on my Artstation: /nicksbest
Love the brush strokes!
Harmony Steel
This is so cool @Yiming Wu !!
Good job! Good application of texture! Did you paint traditionally?
Harmony Steel
Here is my drawing from imagination. It’s a little white rabbit asleep in a peaceful and safe world. This was extremely challenging for me as I typically draw and paint entirely from life or from reference! I don’t think it’s very good but it was definitely challenging and it pushed me :)
Wow...so magical!
Good job! Fantastic use of simple focal point in your painting! It's look like a little storybook illustration to me. But it was a little difficult for me to understand the pose of the rabbit. Orelse it is fabulous! 👍👏👌
Harmony Steel
Great idea @Sagnik Kirtan count me in :)
Sonja Müller
Thank you for taking the initiative and organizing a challenge! But as Yiming stated here are many artists (I suppose) who do not draw primarely from references. So my idea would be to narrow the theme a bit. Like a subject theme, a fantasy creature/humanoide e.g.. or use crazy colors for shading or... Of course it is totally fine if you keep the theme, just wanted to say this platform might attract many different artists with very different backgrounds.
Yiming Wu
Oh actually narrowing down is quite a nice idea! Like me I may be familiar with mechanical stuff but when it comes to creatures I'm as sloppy as it can be XD. So yeah maybe a topic would give us Directional guide for practicing. Or... how about setting the goal for ourselves?
Yiming Wu
I almost do all my stuff (except image studies) from imagination :D Time to get on board I guess!!!
Well, I think we have got a experienced participant ;)
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