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added comment inThe Gesture Course
If I have the Figure Drawing Fundamentals I need this?
Not if you don't want a course that focused on gesture alone.
Asked for help
Realize how rusty and bad I am when not drawing from imagination lol.
Damn this project makes me see how rusty I am. I also maybe rushed it. Have to go slower next time. Will make one after watching his video also with tips.
EDIT - added second pic after watching Stan’s demo.
EDIT 2 - 3rd pic added. Mechanical pencil.
Here's my first attempt at the pear assignment. I feel like I'm having a hard time distinguishing my lighter shadows from my darker halftones.
I haven't done this assignment yet, but I can tell that your three middle values are a bit close to each other. What number pencil did you use? I would try something more in the 2b range, it can make a darker value and a broader spectrum of shades.
Hey all, I am not a beginner, went to a couple art schools here and there, but I feel I have gotten rusty and developed a lot of bad habits over the years (symmetrical drawings/ digital forgiveness etc,). So I am here to get the rust off and try to do some projects and give critiques when I can. I have a lot of unprofessional art experience under my belt, some fanarts, etc. I have bought several courses and hope to see you all around and get myself into some sort of community. Anyway hello!
This has to be one of my worst drawings on this site compared to yesterday, it feels rushed and super lacklustre in comparison to everything else.
If it feels rushed then you weren’t done. I’ve had that same issue with my art. Trying to take my time on things lately. Nice work though.
Page 4. Loved this one. Went all over. Ideas for a scarecrow out in all seasons so he’s all blistered and gangrene from the elements. Another with posts impaled in him for walking and some other monster hybrids. Tried drawing smaller.
Did my 3rd page. I can see now why smaller is better. Easier to have one sheet of small things then a few pages all over. I really love doing this and this is making me way more creative than just my usual kinda pencil things and figure it out as I go along.
Second sheet. Not too happy with it but kept going. Working on a third now. Are they supposed to be sheets of the same monster progression? Or different monsters per sheet?