Aaron Page
I'm here on a mission! Nothing will stand in my way. On Jan 2, 2025 , I vowed to never say " I wish I could draw like that" again.
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added comment inProject - Build a 1-Point Room - Level 1
Asked for help
really hard to draw straight lines!
Aaron Page
This is really cool! Something about it. simplistic yet I wanna be there
Aaron Page
every day for 3 months straight. I need help knowing when to stop... I get sucked into the zone and the next thing I know its 6 hours later.
This is my first drawing ever, I decided to just draw something that was on my desk :)
Aaron Page
Stan's comment about printer paper kinda blew my mind. I never ever even thought about practicing on cheap paper! This sent me down a rabbit hole of Amazon. What I did find is a 250ct stack of 150gsm Vellum Bristol for 25 dollars. It feels very nice to draw on, is still a little bit thicker and cheap. Dont mind the pads, I'm trying to find papers that I like. Thats been a journey in itself.
how it didn't cross your mind ? I mean if I'm going to practice something that's not meant to look pretty, I'll use the cheapest paper I got :D
Printer paper is such a great way to explore ideas and techniques without feeling too precious about it. Even in sketchbooks there's a pressure to perform. I have a stack of premium copy paper I use to warm up with -- little silly quick sketches and weird ideas.
You can buy reams of premium 28lb-32lb copy paper for very cheap. Could be worth looking into. I like using white Astrobrights 28lb paper for my warm ups. I can get 300 sheets locally for $7.
Aaron Page
Asked for help
Here we go. I did both assignments... or ATTEMPTED to. This is on my own without Stan's Demo. This is a good exercise for me because I don't know when to stop... I think I stopped my head early because I would start going into detail and start chiseling away my straights if I went any further.
Christian Denis
Asked for help
This is my first try at it. I did it on my iPad and wanted to try using the pencil texture so that I could also focus on my pen pressure and imitate paper technique.
I'd love some feedback because I can tell there are many things I couldn't replicate but wasn't sure how to do it. I realized that the highlight on the edges weren't noticeable and I thought I could fix it by adding something to contrast as background like the picture but couldn't quite get it. I also realized that I got the proportions mildly off since the original apple looks more squashed.
What should I improve? My shading technique? Which values did I misjudge? Would love the help! I'll now watch Proko's demo and see if I can make a better attempt :)
I really really really love the first one with the background. Even with the scratches something about this really draws me in. So I'm pretty new also. been drawing for 3 months as a hobby. I got a wacom and used it to draw some stuff. I love it. its fun you can do some really neat stuff. Personally for me though, I don't feel like it benefits me in learning traditional drawing. Shading is not the same. Blending is not the same. There are so many variables in papers/textures and different pencils. So for me I went back to paper. i DID however draw my favorite piece, so far, on the tablet and I had only been drawing for a month and made something that I probably shouldn't have been able to make lol. I tried drawing her on paper and couldn't do it.
Sandra Süsser
Asked for help
Level 2 portrait. I separated proportion, plane / perspective and value study. For the main portrait I focused on separating the values instead of simplifying it to the max.
Aaron Page
Hey everyone. Been at it hard for 3 months! Started Jan 2nd. Drawing daily, taking classes with 4 instructors
Aaron Page
Hello Community! There are some incredible artists here! I finally joined Proko! I'm a fresh 49 and I gave myself a 365 day challenge to learn to draw "Properly". No more saying" I wish I could draw like that!". I started drawing DAILY on Jan.2 2025. I've always kinda doodled. Never had any formal training. I am an artist to the core by proxy of music my entire life. I just took up astrophotography last year. I'm ready to take my artistry to the next level. I'm here on a mission. I am doing daily drawings and at least 1 class module from one of 4 instructors. I scoured and found the best teachers that fit me. We all love Stan of course. I have classes with Stephen Bauman, Brent Eviston and Gemma Chambers for colored pencils. I am having the time of my life but also doing an unhealthy amount of learning and drawing. XD So i'm starting this class with roughly 3 months of hard drawing and I would guess around 100 hours of class/ lecture time. Here are my day 1 baselines and all the heads I've done up to this week and some random stuff... Drawing is absolutely a skill. We all can learn! Lets do this! I am dead serious about this....