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added comment inHow to Draw Pecs – Anatomy & Form
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This is probably the trickiest exercise so far! I tried to pick references that have some for of movements. I still don't have solid understanding of the structure especially when there's movement. I struggled with almost every drawing, but i think the sideviews were the most difficult ones!
@suntory Very good work! Structure-wise, it all seems consistent to me. There's a few things I see concerning the motions:
IMAGE 1 - On the top drawing, her right clavicle (to the left of the page) should be raising a bit more instead of being even with the other side; on the bottom drawing, I'd open up the arms a bit more (make the Humerus angle more outward), since he's posing his hands on the hips.
IMAGE 2 - Two thumbs up! On the top drawing, the very slight difference on the distance from the Scapulas to the center of the rib cage is super coherent with the subtle twist on the shoulders - perhaps you could add just a subtle sense of twist on that ribcage centerline too, since a twist on the torso usually affects that area (notice how the spine line looks a little bit like an "S" on the model). The bottom drawing looks great, although maybe just a little bit stiff, sod make sure you don't forget about gesture in the early stages of the sketch.
IMAGE 3 - Both drawings look nice on their own, but when I compare them to their references, the drawings don't seem to show the protraction motion just as much as the photos. When the person is protracting their shoulder, the Scapulas should slide a bit more towards the side of the ribcage, and the clavicles won't be even with the ribcage anymore - the extremity that meets the Acromion will be farther from the ribcage than the extremity that meets the Manubrium. In both drawings, I think I'd also add a slight sense of elevation on both clavicles.
Hope this helps!
Asked for help
I tried to capture the gesture first, but i feel like it ended up being bit stiff ^^; The last drawing was especially tricky to me. If you see any mistakes that I can improve, please let me know!
Hi Suntory, These are great! Not sure you still need this feedback, but it may help others who come across this post. have a few accompanying notes on one of your drawings, with some ideas I think you might want to consider. These are not necessarily 'correct' choices to make but they are fairly conventional. Also, one question you should always ask when working from reference is this: "Am I trying to copy this image, or am I trying to use it as reference, and design my own image?" I think this kind of thinking will help your decision making a lot and help you figure out which lines or marks are the 'right' ones! All that aside, your constructions are really quite good, looking forward to seeing more of your art!
I love how clearly you can see the construction at the same time as the figure being so well defined. Really skillfully done.
I think most of your problems on the last one come from the shoulders being too flat and also too much over the centre of gravity. They lean out to the side and down more in the photo. I think if you do that, then the twist that you have illustrated in your little bean drawing will naturally arise.
Hi Suntory! Can't see any mistakes on my end, great construction on these. If you don't mind, I'd like to know how you practiced to get such solid figures?
Some improvements I can see are mainly in the leg/ weight distribution. The first image the pelvis could be twisted clockwise on the y axis so its facing the left a bit more, in the reference her right nipple, belly button and groan seem close to be aligning at a slight diagonal. The second may need the pelvis pushed to the right of the image as there seems to be a C curve from head/spine to right foot. In three the seat could be lowered and his right foot extended. In four the hip could be rotated anticlockwise so it matches with the upper bodies C curve/ whole bodies S curve. You've actually done a great job on the fifth image, all I can say is see if you can push the C curve because the ribcage looks like it can be leant a bit more to the right of the image, your bean has done this well though as the bean isn't as leant forward as the reference, I think the C curve isn't as dominant. Thanks for the great submission!
Asked for help
This exercise is harder than it looks! I had hard time finding scapulars on the third drawing. They're clearly indicated in the reference photo, but I still don't quite understand the muscles around them.
Wow, I love the confidence of your lines! They are beautiful sketches which I will use as inspiration. I am having trouble with the scapula too, especially finding the bottom corner. Your sketches look pretty close to me, but maybe in the last one the bottom corner of both should be rotated just a bit, counter-clockwise.