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Simeon Kotov
added comment inFigure Drawing Critiques - Gesture
Gesture practice. Spider-Girl helps =)
Wow, I like it. (thumbs up)
Laura Estrada
Heyyyyy, very beautiful! :D These feel full of movement, dynamism, and life, which is what gesture is all about!
As Ruth noted, one could say these aren't exactly pure gesture drawings. When I'm practicing, I too love to make semi-fleshed-out little figures like these, and I call them "enhanced gestures"; I use them as an opportunity to practice a number of things: gesture, mannequinization and anatomy, all at once. In this case, you've even used the opportunity to study measuring, proportions and line weight while you're at it. So I would assume that these right here are "enhanced gestures" as well. :)
And really, when you're practicing, much of it depends on what you want to practice. If tackling a bunch of subjects at once keeps you happy and motivated, I think that's legitimate. Though on the other hand, an argument COULD be made that you'll improve more efficiently if you're more strict with your separation of concerns; then you'd be systematically training your brain to focus on just THAT one aspect of your drawing at that particular time, without getting distracted with anything else. So you wanted to really challenge yourself to get the most out of your gesture practice sessions, I would humbly suggest just exactly that: purify your gestures by doing gesture and nothing else. No prettiness, no structure, no forms and contours, no anatomical details, no nuthin'. Just flowy spaghetti people made up of CSI lines.
Doing pure gestures isn't something I find very thrilling, personally; to me it's something I do out of necessity, kind of like getting in enough exercise, enough sleep, grindin' the grind on video games so I can level up and have access to all the cool stuff. So to balance the mental friction of doing pure gestures, what I try to do is this: I spend at least 1 hr of my practice time doing nothing but CSI spaghetti people. THEN, once I've done my homework I've earned my dessert, and I get to really have fun doing "enhanced gestures" till the cows come home. :)
Anyways, I hope my ravings have been useful to you in some way. I'll say again that your figures are breathtakingly beautiful! <3 Awesome job!

John Harper

Ruth O'Connell
These look amazing!
But from watching the gesture critiques video I would posit that they are perhaps a bit too contoured and perfect for gesture exercises. They feel very thought out and lack the looseness and exaggeration associated with pure gesture exercises.
That said, to my eye they are full of movement and show a knowledge of anatomy I aspire to have. I really love the last one in particular - I can feel her falling! Well done.
Simeon Kotov
I never get on time, I can do one sketch for an hour or more. And if it’s worth a timer, the sketch doesn’t work. I did this sketch for over an hour, just like always I lost track of time in the work process. this is my big problem
Love it. Lines, gesture, proportions. This is exactly the way I would like to draw my mannequins. Can I ask u a couple of. I usually practice mannequinization once a week and I usually draw it with graphite.I noticed that you use digital. Is there a specific reason? The second question is do you stylize a reference model or draw from imagination? Thanks Simeon! And great job!!
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2021/11/2. Good morning everybody. This is a mannequinization exercise (30 min.) I did this morning. I tried to focus on the lower back and the gluteus (that I haven't studied yet). @Simeon Kotov, I don't mean to disturb you Sir, and I hope you don't mind if a tag you, but I saw your mannequins and I think they are very beautiful. Can I ask you if you have any good tips or suggestions to improve mines? If you don't have time to respond or you prefer not to please feel free to ignore this post. Anyway your works are great!
Hi. I am very glad that you liked my works. I apologize if I write something wrong. I don't know English very well. But I’d love to try help. For starters, I would exaggerate the gesture line, so the figure will look more malleable and dynamic. When drawing sketches don’t be afraid to exaggerate. And then draw boxes fo ribcage and pelvis by linking them to the gesture line . Box is your base, your fundamental landmar. Try to save line boxes whole time you’re sketching. Then, when we caught the gesture and tied it to boxes, now it’ll be easier to put the details on the box. It’s also very useful to use references when you don’t know how to draw body part.
Simeon Kotov
looks good but more emphasis on the robo bean it should be the first thing we see not something we have to look for