Gabriel Banos-Valencia
Gabriel Banos-Valencia
Activity Feed
Hi friends, here are some of my beasts. Please comment and critique. Martin / Dubčido
Gabriel Banos-Valencia
this is amazing just keep up the practice and follow the videos in the lesson
Simeon Kotov
Gabriel Banos-Valencia
looks good but more emphasis on the robo bean it should be the first thing we see not something we have to look for
Gabriel Banos-Valencia
All of these are completely solo without any of the videos or referencing i use the blue for the abdominal connections and pelvic conversion area and spine any feed back before i move on to mannequinization
This exercise was very tough! Any feedback is appreciated :)
Gabriel Banos-Valencia
These look amazing good structure and you displayed the form really well
Gabriel Banos-Valencia
i feel like there not that good but maybe I’m being too critical any thoughts.
I feel like there's good solidity and structure. I would try to bend the lines on the boxes and make them more curved when necessary, some of these figures look a bit stiff. But other than that I think that you're doing a good job :D
Gabriel Banos-Valencia
May i have some feedback on things to improve on.
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @Gabriel Banos-Valencia Nice drawings! I think there´s a lot of good stuff going on in these; they all have a nice flow going from head to toe, and the arms are expressive! I think you would really appreciate trying this challenge: - Draw a bunch of 30 sec gesture drawings using only 5 or fewer lines (CSI) + head. For me it was really interesting to see how few lines you need to capture the gesture. Being comfortable doing gesture studies with few lines has helped me see the big picture, which in turn has helped me add details in a way that helps the gesture more. I attached an image from my critique to another student, TobeO, as inspiration for the 5 lines (CSI) + head drawings. Note that I´m not drawing stick figures, but the flow passing through the forms I hope this was helpful :)
I am brand new to drawing and am struggling a bit with the gestures. My question is; should I move on and get through the rest of the course and then come back to the things I struggled with on a second pass through of the course? or Should I keep practicing the gestures until I feel very confident before moving on to the bean?
Gabriel Banos-Valencia
Keep practice the gesture drawing at all times its ok to watch other videos like the bean since it’ll give you advice to help with the main parts of the gesture but otherwise keep practice it doesn't have to be an exact replicas of what your drawing.
Alex Sebastian
1 minute poses (Croquis Cafe)
Gabriel Banos-Valencia
amazing work all i could say is try adding the lines to represent the seperation of the torso and pelvic cages
Tried out gestures on krita , How are the motion and form of these below, I find it difficult to use a opacity brush as it makes the lines sketchy and the charcoal brushes make them a bit more smooth and defined ig
Gabriel Banos-Valencia
really good work you followed along with stan really well try to do more poses and really get it down to muscle.
I have taken some of the feedback that I got from a help request last week and did some drawing based on the advice I received. I briefly experimented with several different ways of drawing figures inspired by other works posted here. I am now wondering if there is anything else that I can do in order to continue improving my gesture drawing skills. I am asking because if I don't regularly post updates of my work, I believe that I cannot make the gradual improvements required to become an expert in this subject.
Gabriel Banos-Valencia
hey willy try using multiple lines when drawing using one solid line makes your sketch look like a molded jellybean i know cause i use to do the same thing. you have the ideal down though i can tell the motion of each pose but to really make it look like a body in simplified version use multiple lines like stan does in his intro video.
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