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I'm so tired lol..... have to wake up early everyday just to finish this course asap. I'm seriously having a hard time controlling the pencil, I think it's something to do with the surface(like a table) is the problem, I used to draw beans/robo beans on top of my table but my back started to get sore so I leaned back and put my sketchbook on top of my arching legs and it's where I can control the pencil far way better.

Your centre line is made up of two seperate lines that overlap, I think making this one curved line would help a lot.
I think making your shapes even simpler would help as well, I think the left leg suffered from having the shapes too complex. But that being said the right leg looks amazing.
Make sure you're having fun with it, you'll get a lot more out if you're enjoying it rather than trying to slog your way to the finish line.
Jessina Jana
Hi, I have a few 1 min, 2 min and 30 sec gesture drawings here. I am still learning how to make the lines flow a lot better and I know a few of these are pretty rough. Some of them I got frustrated and moved on or ran out of time. But any thoughts would be appreciated! Thank you!
I think for the arms and legs try to simplify them, it’s better to capture the gesture rather than make it look like a person.
make sure to add a centre line as well, this can really help capture the movement.
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2022/2/15. Good morning everybody. Here’s my daily 30 mins warming up exercise. This morning was drawing a mannequin from imagination. Thanks.
thats really impressive doing this from imagination.
i think I have a similar issue where I tend to stiffen the pose, I think the best thing for it is to keep at the 30 sec gestures to make your mannequins more dynamic
Lil FatWombat
Hey, these are my last gesture drawings i made.
What do you think I should focus on to improve. I would appreciate your help.
I think focusing on the center line will help a lot, try exaggerating it, and show the curve at the top and the bottom, I think moving on to the beam exercise will help you understand this concept
Mike Karcz
Asked for help
When you see these drawings, what's the first thing that strikes you as, "this needs improvement"? I'm trying to gauge where I'm weakest and on what skills I need to spend some time focusing on.
I just went through the Figure Drawing course for the second time, and I've just started the Anatomy course.
Thanks and I appreciate your feedback!
Wow these are incredible.
if I had to come up with a critique it would be that where your neck connects to the body looks a bit stiff
I would take slightly more time figuring out the placement of the head relative to the chest, but overall they are really incredible
Hello I been practicen this for 4 days, I would like to khow if I'm doing good, with some critic, negative and positive
I think you're still focusing on making them look like people.
The idea of this exercise is to strip away all the detail.
Focus on exaggerating the tilts, leans, twists and foreshadowing.
Also add more of an overlap on the circles showing the closer one on top.
This is more of an exercise to get you thinking about this kind of stuff and less about producing a realistic torso.
Here are my first attempts! I avoided viewing the finished examples to preempt any outside influence. I had fun! These are the first of many figure drawings. Any feedback is deeply appreciated!
I think working on getting more dynamic centre lines would help a lot.
Try giving a few of them a more S shape for the lower back.
I was mainly focusing on drawing confident long lines, but it did feel like I was running out of time on a lot of these.
It is a lot of fun, but I feel like after a five minutes I need a break.
Any critiques would be appreciated
Yeah I had the same feeling :D but you did really good! As for the time problem: I found you can’t really think about anything for too long. Just find the centre / most important line (take a second or two for that) and then just continue drawing with quickly switching between observing and sketching.
Asked for help
Here are some gestures that Ive done! All of these were 1 min quick poses (I used a website called quick pose). I would love some critiques!
These look great,
I think try and use less lines, in some of these you could have easily used one line flowing from the torso down through the leg.