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Ruth O'Connell
Hi all, I'm currently working on a piece that is mostly from imagination. Every time I look at it I feel the proportion is off but I don't know how to tell. My friends and family say its fine - however, they don't draw and are generally quite complimentary lol If anyone could chime in their thoughts on the anatomy and proportion ( or anything else that strikes you as needing improvement) of this figure it would be very much appreciated! Thank you!
You could add a bit more geometry to the figure and folds. I think the proportions work, but an average person maybe has a bit more length in the torso/ hip area and a smaller upper body. A lot of your lines are all stroking down. Alter these lines to create more form from different angles. Hope this helps. It's nice aesthetically : )
I think you're weight is on the wrong leg.
Steve Lenze
Hey Ruth, Nice drawing, in particular the gesture. You are correct though in thinking that the proportions are off a little. I did a sketch to show you how you can determine if your drawing does not have proper proportions. Doing a structural drawing of our pose first will help us to understand what is going on, especially in a figure that is covered in robes. I hope this is helpful :)
Ruth O'Connell
Asked for help
Hey everyone, I drew this figure today and I feel that something is off anatomically but I can't quite place my finger on it. I'm too up close to analyse it clearly myself so if anyone has suggestions, they are very welcome! Thanks :)
18 30 sec gestures and 2 2 min gestures. I'm trying to practice before work, so hopefully I can keep it up! I had a lot of fun doing my first attempts after watching the assignment examples, but after watching the critiques I realized what I had been drawing before had lots of extra lines. This was my first attempt again trying to pick my lines first and then draw them. I think I've gotten too in my own head, and am focusing on single parts of the body and my drawing too much to visualize the whole thing. I'd appreciate any feedback :)
Ruth O'Connell
I second what xun says - the 2 minute sketches are brilliant. They are full of movement but also crisp and clean. On the contrary, many of the 30 second poses look rigid, overthought and scratchy. Not all of them, I do think that poses 9, 10 and 17 have a wonderful sense of fluidity to them. These are probably more successful because of the confident, long lines that you use for them. To address the rigidity, I would suggest that you keep practicing the 30 seconds but without worrying about how they look or if the proportions make sense, just look at the pose and try to summarize it in three to four confident and exaggerated lines. Stop after every 5 to 10 sketches and evaluate what you like and dislike and keep this in mind as you do the next 5-10 sketches. Then repost here again :) I hope that helps!
Hi all, I did some more gesture drawings, first 3 pages are 30 seconds and the final is 2 minutes. I felt like i messed up the 2 minute ones alot and didn't have much success there. Line quality and proportion is something i noticed i struggled with quite a bit whilst doing them. If anyone has any tips/ advice i would be more than glad to hear it. I've been having a lot of fun with gesture despite them turning out bad.
Ruth O'Connell
You definitely nailed the 30 second drawings, the figures are so fluid and dynamic. Fortunately, this fluidity and dynamism seems to have translated to the 2 minute sketches as well. I particularly love the long legged contrapposto one - it looks like professional fashion illustration template! However, I agree with you that the 2 minute poses generally lack proportion and anatomical accuracy. To me, this simply indicates that you should move on to study the bean now which will aide your issues with proportion. As you clearly have mastered gesture, (I can offer you no critique in this regard), I wouldn't spend too much more time focusing on it :)
Simeon Kotov
Gesture practice. Spider-Girl helps =)
Ruth O'Connell
These look amazing! But from watching the gesture critiques video I would posit that they are perhaps a bit too contoured and perfect for gesture exercises. They feel very thought out and lack the looseness and exaggeration associated with pure gesture exercises. That said, to my eye they are full of movement and show a knowledge of anatomy I aspire to have. I really love the last one in particular - I can feel her falling! Well done.
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