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Marco Sordi
added comment inCalf Assignment Example 1
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2022/4/14. Good morning everybody. Here’s my first attempt for this section. Thanks.
Laura Estrada
ooooooooo so beautiful! amazing job!! :D
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This week's mannequinization exercise! 💪
There is a strange no-man's-land in between gesture and mannequinization, which my mannequins call their home.
But if they're effective (i.e., they successfully communicate volume, depth, and motion), then that's fundamentally a mission accomplished in my book. 😆
If you could offer any feedback on those, that would be neato. ❤️
These are awesome! And the most poetic description text I have ever read on Proko 😂❤️
I haven’t reached the ‘mannequinization’ section yet so I can’t give real critique but these look incredible and great expression :)
im not pro my self but try to focus on different form for different part in the body, robo-bin can help you to get the perspective and the proportion right
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hellooo :) this is my second post today because I did more drawings😅 I would love to get some feedback on these :) sorry if they are hard to see some of them are overlapping a bit
thanks have a good day
Loving the movement I see in these!! I also sense you have a pretty solid intuitive understanding of anatomy, so you get extra points for that XD
As Christopher noted, the opportunity for improvement here is the line quality. You're doing "chicken scratch" lines, as they call 'em: using lots of little tiny overlapping strokes to compose a full line. The problem with those is that they will sap the energy out of your drawings, making it harder for them to look dynamic and feel alive. Maybe consider trying to draw using longer, firmer lines. The less lines, the better!
Anyways, as I said, awesome job. :3 Keep on grindin' and churning those out!
Ooh, nice! You're definitely on the right track, I think! Really, I got no constructive criticism at all, just keep on churning these out and you'll be drawing bodies like a pro in no time.
Trying to find my own way of Mannequinization. I call it „pillow“.
Ooh also I forgot to mention! One thing that might be useful as you build up your own mannequinization style: The ribcage is flatter on the front of the body and rounder on the back. It seems obvious, but it took me all these months to realize it. 🤪 Maybe you can capitalize on that as you're drawing the torso from different angles. Anyways, just a thought that occurred to me!
Laura Estrada
Oyyyyy friends! :D
So I did some 5-minute gestures for this week's practice! :D Here they are!
My gestures are a bit of an eyesore compared to Stan's, since I like to include a lot of information and use lots of lines. ^^' Still, they're helping me get a LOT better at drawing figures, so all good, right? XD
Some 30 second 2 min or 5 min poses, not 100% sure I'm understanding exactly what to do, but feeling a bit better after watching the criti ques and some of the demos by someone other than proko.
Definitely a really great start on gesture! Well done!! :D
When gesture drawing, the golden rule is express the pose in the simplest and quickest possible way, while still making sure that the gesture is readable; i.e., that we can look at it and understand what the model is doing. I'm definitely seeing a lot of that in your gestures, so -- awesome!! That's the toughest aspect of gesture drawing, and I think you're getting the hang of that pretty well. :) I'm impressed!
To answer your question, here are maybe some thoughts to consider, as to the purpose of each type of gesture drawing:
In 30 second poses, the ONLY thing that matters is to convey the basic, essential information about the pose. What's the torso doing? What are the arms and legs doing? If doesn't matter if you're not drawing the full leg or both sides of the arm; it only matters that we understand what the limb is doing, in which direction it's moving, etc..
In 2 minute poses, you convey the essential information about the pose, and then you add in a few more strokes as mental notes. The extra strokes aren't meant to be details or contours; they're supposed to be notes to self that you'd want to keep in mind if you were planning to come back to this figure and flesh it out into a full drawing later. Things like: I want to make sure I capture the tilt of this shoulder, the angle of the elbow, is this foot completely sideways or is it actually moving "towards us" a little? Which is the side of the hip that's carrying the most weight? And so on.
In 5 minute poses, you have the most time and freedom, so on top of the basic information about the pose, and those little mental notes, you can also allow yourself to hint at some of the underlying anatomy. For instance, you can place little marks to indicate the basic outline of the clavicles, the biceps, the bony indentations of the hips, etc.
Anyways, a bit of a long digression, but that's basically what I'd focus on when gesture drawing, so I hope that answers your question as to not being 100% sure what you're supposed to be doing. :)
Also, as another note, maybe I'd suggest posting your drawings directly into the comment box, instead of linking to an external service like google drive, just because humans are lazy and most people won't click on a link just to see someone's drawings, haha xD If you want eyeballs on your work, make it as easy as possible for people to see it! :3
Still, as I said, great job!! Keep on grindin' the grind, you're definitely on the right track here! :D
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Hey there, artists!
I worked on some mannequins this week and I thought I'd share!
For clarity, #1 is from way back when I thought this exercise was gonna be about gesture. Then on #2 you can see things started to change, and then it was just mannequin (attempts) from #3 onwards.
My mannequins are pretty simple for now, but at least I've managed to convey a real sense of movement and depth, or so I believe. :D What do you think? If you could offer some critiques or guidelines for improvement, I'd be very helpful!
The proportions are spot on! The only things that I'm confused about is the head of #2 and #8. The structure there doesn't feel right to me. Great job !
i love these. i think they're super neat and dynamic gestures that push past realism into something exciting and fun. they remind me of 'How to draw the Marvel Way' style mannequins
Great Job 👍. I think you managed to keep the movement in your drawings while working on the manequinization. We also feel well the 3d. Good line quality too!
These are really good. From 3 on fantastic, # 1 is more like a contour and 2 is better but the rest are great.
Wow, these are awesome! They communicate 3d form but feel very organic at the same time!
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My attempt at the assignments. Kinda having trouble figuring out when to use a box and when to use a cylinder for the torso. Now that I look back at it, a cylinder was probably a better fit for the 2nd pose.
Tried to keep the mannequin simple. Feedback is very welcome. I still struggle with basic 2 point perspective. Do you know an excercise to adress that directly? Love your courses :-) The setup is very motivating. Love to hear from you guys.
Oooooo very lovely!! I know you posted these a while ago, but I just wanted to say you've done a great job at placing all of these blocks and cylinders in perspective; your work really inspires me to keep working on the structural soundness of my own mannequins!