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added comment inProject - Line Master Studies
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Attempted the study on Glen Keane's work. Tried to go with the rough and loose, confident strokes & it was quite intimidating. Also, with the texture of paper, it was kinda hard to replicate the lines, but I think I did the job.
Anyways, feel free to express any critiques on this one.
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Took a break for a couple of weeks due to exams. Very happy and excited to start again and continue this. Hopefully I have not forgotten the earlier lessons. 😅
One thing I observed when coming up with new shape designs is that the idea to come up with is kinda hard in its own. Designing and modifying the shapes wasn't the hard part for me, but coming up with ideas for different and interesting shapes was the challenging thing for me. Any advice would be much appreciated.
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Did the project on various animals. Currently idk why but I'm struggling to simplify still life objects, as I observed that simplifying animals were not that difficult. Anyways, had fun with the project.
Attempted this master study after Claire Wendling, after watching the critique video. Tried my best to imitate every line with the correct line weight. It was really tough. Enjoyed doing it!
Any critique would be helpful.
Christle Panickar
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Ok so this is embarassing.. I quit for about a year and a half because of this assignment.
I struggle with perfectionism and undertaking a drawing from Eliza Ivanova/Eleeza is no joke. Absolutely love her work but trying to draw similar lines to her gave me so much anxiety. This master study brought me to my knees!
After a year and a half I have managed to push through the discomfort and overcome the fear.
I know I haven't got her line quality down pat but its hard to replicate the line weight when drawing with the ipad.
This is soo relatable! I myself struggle with perfectionism and doing these master studies was quite out of my comfort zone. On going for an attempt I have these some sort of anxiety feeling that what if I messed up or I didn't make it appealing enough.
But as Stan said, we are in the learning process and it's okay to make mistakes. As for now, we are focused more on line weight, so incorrect proportions or perspective shouldn't bother us. And it's not super important to draw perfectly, we put ourselves with these expectations which causes us to feel pressurized. Just a slight mindset shift is needed.
I'm also learning this as we are going through, and it's quite difficult to let go these things, but again practice is the key. Eventually, it would become second nature and it won't be a thing to feel pressured about. Great drawing btw!
Attempted another one, on David Malan's work. Was really tensed when I was drawing it, but it came out prettuly well I think. It was really hard tho. I was focusing too much on the proportions, had to remind myself constantly to let it go, but here we are. Would love to have some critiques on this.
It was really tough, especially when using the overhand grip. Almost every line that I was attempting using overhand grip was either at the wrong place or the line quality was off, so it took way too much corrections in the process, was quite frustrating. Also I Was using a graphite pencil so it might was expected, idk.
Took almost 1.5 hrs, And I'm not that much satisfied with it, because of wrong line weight and unnecessary texture in every stroke. Well I definitely need to practice confident lines with overhand grip.
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Did the master studies on Glen Keane's work. I was confused about which part to study, eventually went for a complete study of his work. I think I didn't attempted the project correctly, as I continuously found myself making corrections for a specific line to be of the same weight as in the original work which led to unconfident lines. Varying line weight while making a confident line is still an issue for me to improve i think. Any advice would be highly welcomed.
Another attempt on Oleg Yurkov's work. Still struggling with maintaining the line weight, but I felt slightly more confident with this one. Hope I'm doing it the correct way.