Activity Feed
Marco Sordi
2022/4/14. Good morning everybody. Here’s my 30 minutes warming up exercise. I made the lateral plane of the torso too narrow. Thanks.
cathy hayes
The only thing I see is what you have already picked up on yourself. I think this is really good. If I would suggest anything, and this is purely an aesthetic thing so you may disagree, but I would make the light coming from the left side softer. I feel like that would help with making it look more like 3D.
Hello everyone, does anyone has an idea on how are the radius and ulna on his arms. I have some difficulty to visualize them... Thanks a lot
cathy hayes
Try putting down where the scapula and humerus are. You know the ulna connects with the humerus and you know the radius connects with the wrist. Also, the forearms are pronated so you know the radius has rotated to cross the ulna. You can see the Afro ion and the epicondyles so crack open an anatomy book with a similar pose or you could use the Skelly app and reproduce the pose to understand it. That’s how I would attack the problem, anyways
onigi *pronunce [on-ie-gee]*
I've been doing Gesture exercises for around 50 days and I feel my drawing for both this course and my hobby is surprisingly improved, I really want to tell thanks to Proko and the people in this community. Still, I can't feel what gesture is and my lines look dirty although I always try to make them clear and stable as ones did in examples and the critiques video, Probably I use a pencil the wrong way, or just because of bad controlling of my hands? Any critiques are welcomed!
cathy hayes
I’m not sure because I enlarged to look. I think you are doing pretty well in terms of capturing the gesture. The pencil lines look like you are drawing on a rough surface- do you have lots of paper under the one you are drawing on? I am not sure that’s just what comes to mind. The messy look is partially due to repeated lines I think. Maybe try ghosting the line before you actually touch the pencil to paper? Or make your initial line really light so you can judge any issues then go in to correct?
I gave this a go and found the process quite interesting. I wonder how useful it is if I wanted to make a finished drawing of the last pose. At least as long as I don't work digitally I'll have to copy it from the transparent paper to drawing paper. Though I guess it's good for finding believable exaggerated poses nonetheless.
cathy hayes
I like the third drawing the best, I think because it seems the most dynamic. When I compare it to the original pose it seems a bit exaggerated which proko often recommends. I think your drawing is more dynamic than the actual pose. Just a thought
Matthew Nicholas Sandoval
Here's a couple of my 2 min sketches. The biggest problem I am facing is that I am having a hard time locating the main action line within the model. Especially when facing the back.
cathy hayes
I think you are right in the money about the action line. I struggle with this as well, especially with poses like these where it is not really obvious. The action line is missing from your drawing as well. I tried not putting pencil to paper until I knew where the action line was and I drew that first. You could try that. Good luck
Sandra Süsser
I took my time with this and did a combination of exercises: firstly, I captured the gesture on my own, than I tried to improve on it by studying the one from Proko. Secondly, I tried to get the Robo Bean / main structure of the torso (again first from testing, than correcting it by tracing). And thirdly I did a muscle tracing as far as I knew the muscles by using the 3d models and lectures from the anatomy course and learning one new muscle segment each day. Did this for several days / weeks in a row and it really helped me improve my understanding a great Deal. These are my favourites. Oh and today I also did an only-gesture session.
cathy hayes
These look really good. I am super impressed.
Laura Estrada
Hey there, artists! I worked on some mannequins this week and I thought I'd share! For clarity, #1 is from way back when I thought this exercise was gonna be about gesture. Then on #2 you can see things started to change, and then it was just mannequin (attempts) from #3 onwards. My mannequins are pretty simple for now, but at least I've managed to convey a real sense of movement and depth, or so I believe. :D What do you think? If you could offer some critiques or guidelines for improvement, I'd be very helpful!
cathy hayes
These are really good. From 3 on fantastic, # 1 is more like a contour and 2 is better but the rest are great.
Hey everyone. here are my robo beans attempt. I think my biggest weakness is that im too scared to exaggerate my drawings and im very weak when it comes to the twist. (Also if you spot any weaknesses i may have that i didn't mention please mention them in your reply! thanks) Feedback/Tips will be greatly appreciated! :)
cathy hayes
Watch the shadows on your photos of your drawings. Try putting them by a window during the day time where you are getting indirect light, not direct sunshine on your drawing as this will bleach out your drawing. I find if I don’t get between the window and the sketchbook, i don’t have to deal with the shadows. When I use an overhead light in the evening I have a hard time getting a half decent picture without all the shadows messing things up.
Tony Vu
I'm not really sure If I'm stretching or compressing the muscles correctly relative to how active they are. I think I got the overall forms right. I feel a little more confident now so I plan to try some from imagination.
cathy hayes
There isn’t a lot of muscle bulk to help identify but I gave it a go on the first one. I find the muscles you are putting in around the scapula confusing, not sure what they are supposed to be. I always find it helpful to crack open an anatomy book or 2 to try to figure out what is what. This is a really helpful one
Callum Kendrick
cathy hayes
For what it’s worth- to me number 2 looks like there isn’t enough leaning back of the rib cage, it looks too straight up and down. Number 3 is a bit difficult to read but I think the beveled edges coming in to the spine are too wide and sore,thing is off re the alignment of the rib cage-mnotmsure how.
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