Activity Feed
Bob Mussini
1 of 14 (2 weeks challenge)
Love the dog's expression in you art!
My lvl 2 exercices. Itried to be more mindfull of my proportions. Kept it up fellow artists!
Melanie Scearce
These are so clean! Great work 👍
Hello fellow artists! My shot on the lvl 1 exercise, the laces were pretty confusing. ONward to lvl 2!
Patrick Bosworth
Nice work! Clean, simplified lines, looks like you built it up in stages with straightlines, great job. Something to start looking out for are your proportions, the snail shell is pretty large compared to the reference, but overall this is looking really good, keep it up!
Dani Torres
Laces are the worst haha, but looks really good! :)
This is my first attempt. Feedback would be appreciated.
You got the values right but the way you shaded the pear, she kinda seems flat. I think you missed the sharp edges part to put the values appart in the light (right part). Nice work, keet it up!
After watching the demo and critique I tried the second pear. On the first pear I had done a lot of mistakes that were shown in the critique video. Like outlining or lazy shading. Outline: I got the outlines again, but I erased the form before I started shading. I need to learn to sketch lighter. Shading: I still have problems chosing good shades. My lighter shadow looks a lot like my darker "normal" shade. I have also the habit of turning my pencil if the tip gets dull and then you can see the difference. Now I try to turn my pencil if I have finished a plane.
You have a great eye to be able to analyse you're weakness, that will help you to progress fast! Keep up the great work!
Naomi Clyde
Hello - the tools I'll be using for this course are the Wacom One Display and Clip Studio Paint. I'll be using the brushes in my Sub Tool box called "Main". I dabbled with the Darker Pencil, Mechanical Pencil, and a kneaded eraser to doodle while paying attention to how they feel with medium and low stabilization. I look forward to improving my drawing skills during this course and giving and receiving constructive feedback :)
I too hope to use the course to work on my digital drawing skill!
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