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Sita Rabeling
added comment inMannequinization Assignment Examples - Back View
This assignment takes a long time, I practiced a lot and still don't get it right... here are a few of the results. Some of them drawn along with Stan, some partly of my own with corrections. (laid out on about 60/80cm space) I also took a little break from it and learned etching from a friend, which was fun. Will come back to mannequinization again later. Hopefully with better results.
that's so cool! I'm not brave enough to draw without stan's direction of boxes haha but I think trusting your own swing of lines like the thing you did from the bottom of the picture exactly like the way you first off drew gestures than restraining it will be so much more relaxing and more fun even elegant if you will!
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finished this in two days which could've been done in one day but I was busy reading a book by yoshino 'how do you live?' and I was a crying mess because I was somewhat depressed but this book along with rilke's gave me hope to pursue this elongated path. okay enough of that. anyway, I drew this accordingly so forgive me for attaching the pictures inordinately because it took me quite awhile to look for the other papers and was too lazy to put them in arrangement hehe the first few beginning was a complete hell and there was some poses that I found not vexing and comfortable like standing tilting poses or a pose that is mostly stretching is, I find, delightful and fun to draw but with the poses that are bending filled with muscles and FORESHORETENING is, I find, a pain in a huge ass seriously it's hard. they did make a bit sense but not enough to draw it all by my own so I'm probably gonna go back to each exercises and draw them as little doodles and commit it to memory. I also have a problem with my charcoal pencil and it's the way I sharp it, it's not perfect but it's also not good it looks like some random baby chew it thinking it was Stik-O. I drew these figures on a printed paper I hope that is uh not a bad thing...hopefully.. ^_^
Here are my beans for these poses. I drew them without watching Stan's version, and then red-lined them based on what I judged to be the major differences between mine and Stan's. It seems the placement of my centerline (as opposed to the direction) and overall shape design are my main issues, but further critique is welcomed.
that's a brilliant idea i get so frustrated when I do beans myself but when I follow stan's I feel like I have my own stage so i'll have to rewatch the course from before with pure observation and come back and will try and do the way you do it, thank you so much stub!