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added comment inProko Challenge Sketching Light and Color - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
Hi, everyone! Here's my entry for this challenge.
I love the style, and that combined with the color and scene, it looks fabulous!
Ooooooh, I love the thick brushstrokes, this is just *chef's kiss* mwah!
Jean-François (Jeff) Durix
Your painting cought my eye! Attractive set of complementary colors. On the contrary of the 2 other comments, I find the brush work a bit too noisy for my taste. I am not clear what the focus point of your painting is. Maybe have your focus point painted in a smooth style could have brought a brushwork contrast that would have made it more readable?
just my 0,2cts…

Wow love this, good luck!
Gustav Tavares
Gorgeous brushwork
My submission for the Book Cover challenge. The hated and loved Moby Dick (I love it). Trying something old school.
Hey everyone,
Here is my submission for this month's Proko challenge. I decided to go with Coraline by Neil Gaiman, you'll probably notice I took some "artistic liberties" with Coraline's hair, I liked how it looked in the overall composition, as if she was being dragged by the dark, so I decided to go with it. Hope you all like it :)
Love everything about this cover!! I knew it was Coraline instantly. Amazing work!!
Hello! I chose to do the cover of the second book of the Trixie Belden series, The Red Trailer Mystery. It was first published in 1950, but my favourite cover was the editions republished in the 60s, called cameo editions because of the cameos of Trixie in the upper left corner. Mary Stevens did the original interior illustrations, so I included her along with the author on the cover. Trixie Belden books are also published under the name Kathryn Kenny, but Julie Campbell wrote the first 6 books.
I chose colours based on the first cameo edition, as they're some of the first colours I think of when I think of Trixie Belden. I always feel a part of the Bob Whites when reading these books. They make you feel at home. I chose to illustrate Trixie and Honey spotting the orchard that's a part of the Smith farm. The Smith Farm and their old apple orchard are very important to the solving of the mystery!
I hope you enjoy my cover! It was such a wonderful learning experience, perfect for where I'm at in my journey as an artist. This is completely traditional by the way!
Hello everyone! Okay, I guess this is the last call to post my submission. This month's subject was so great. I couldn't miss it even tho I started 2 weeks after the challenge was announced. For my entry, I've decided to draw an illustration for "Sword of Destiny" - a short story collection from the Witcher universe, written by Andrzej Sapkowski. Hope you like it! Good luck everyone!
It's so beautiful!! I love the shape design and simplification, and how the brushwork's directionality supports the composition.
Hi! Here's my submission for the challenge. Book is A Gathering of Shadows by V.E.Schwab, the second in a trilogy and one of my favorites! It's full of pirates and magic tournaments and different Londons, and darkness that's gaining strength and waiting for the right time to strike back and conquer the kingdom.
This is so cool! I'm genuinely intrigued by the way the fire and the knife flow into each other. The character's pose and expression are great too. I really like your style of painting!
Hi everyone! I have a lot of favorite books, but keeping in mind the constraints of this challenge, I chose One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez. I have read the book at least 3 times. Not just because there are tons of characters in the book with the same name (not coincidently):) and honestly, sometimes it’s hard to follow because of that, but the story gives me a huge range of feelings. The story is sometimes graceful, sometimes magical, and sometimes brutal. It’s not the easiest book to read, but it is worth reading for the experience it gives.:)
Asked for help
Hi! Thanks for the portfolio review.
I'm Patricia from Cuba. I'm self taught, started my journey last year and I'd very much like to reach a professional level at some point.
I've mostly painted portraits and character art.
I'd like to improve on a lot of things but mainly on storytelling, simplification and being able to get illustrations to a finished.
I'd appreciate if you could point out strengths and weekness in my work.
I don't know much about industry specific work, only that I'd like to work illustrating books some day.
You can work professionally at this level already. What I would suggest is to spend some time doing some primary research and making a portfolio under one cohesive theme. From there on access your market, whether it's illustration for books or fine art for gallery etc...then you can find your nesh and apply to the right places. When your technical skills reach a certain point it's really down to your personal quirks that will set you apart. And don't hesitate to work "early" on while still traning. There's no better way to learn about a market than to actually work in it. I love your art btw. Good luck!
Wow i really like your brush work, is really expressive and with lots of character. Do you have an instagram account? i would like to follow you. Saludos desde Ecuador jajaaj
Here's a very curious fellow, and my entry for this challenge. I'm including a pic of initial sketches.