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Alhussain Shaker
added comment inProko Challenge Reference Bash - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
Here is my final submissions , it was really a fun challenge ,didn't have enough time though
Ha Minh
I love the dark moody tone!
Great works!
Ha Minh
Hey unrelated but how did you make your profile picture? Is it 3D rendered + painted over? The colors look so pure and matte and just beautiful. haha. I'm trying to figure out how to do something similar for a project but it's rough.
Ha Minh
I like the textures in colleration with the expression of the subject. This one can use more color temperature variations. If this light source is very warm and illuminates the whole scene with warmth then you can add cooler transitional halftone and keep both your light and shadow warm. Also I think the light part within the shadow half of the picture needs to be darken and cooler to push back a little bit. It's so exciting to see fellow traditional painters. Sorry for commenting so much. haha.
Thank you! Please don't apologize for commenting , this was an experiment, I tried a different approach, now I see the lack of playfulness of colors temperatures, thank you again!
Ha Minh
It's a wonderful painting! Having that said I think it can benefit from some lighting clarification. Right now she looks like she's under water. If you're going for the ambient soft light sort of look, you can still group the lights and the darks into big passages first before breaking them down, whilst maintaining the hiarachy. How do you find painting oil on paper? I usually find it very absorbent and after a short while the colors would start to lose their chroma. Your colors look wonderfully rich tho. Also I think it would help if you include dimensions for your future posts.
Thank you for the feedback, I agree , I need to pay attention to the light directions , I rush things normally and did not want to use more time, my time is limited lol .
I sometimes gesso the sketchbook paper. Sometimes I dont and result in lack of chroma.
Ha Minh
Hi there! I just came across this on news feed. I just wanna say I love the colors and the emotions in your paintings. I especially like the purple and the green ones. I can see elements of shape design there, if anything exaggerate them even more, and clarify some smaller secondary shapes like the nose for example. It will increase the form hiararchy contrast with simpler primary forms like the overall shape of the face. If you have the opportunity to study from life it'll be very useful in understanding colors. You can even paint nature and still life and apply the light logic into your portraiture, as your colors are already invented anyway. Just my two cents. Hope that helps.
Yes, it is no exaggeration that to study colour, observational art from real life is the best practice. It is also very helpful in learning values and light physics, because light plays all sorts of tricks and games which, if you incorporate into your imaginative work at appropriate times, will certainly improve the groundedness in reality of such imaginary works (if thats what youre after).
Asked for help
Hi! Thanks for the portfolio review.
I'm Patricia from Cuba. I'm self taught, started my journey last year and I'd very much like to reach a professional level at some point.
I've mostly painted portraits and character art.
I'd like to improve on a lot of things but mainly on storytelling, simplification and being able to get illustrations to a finished.
I'd appreciate if you could point out strengths and weekness in my work.
I don't know much about industry specific work, only that I'd like to work illustrating books some day.
You can work professionally at this level already. What I would suggest is to spend some time doing some primary research and making a portfolio under one cohesive theme. From there on access your market, whether it's illustration for books or fine art for gallery etc...then you can find your nesh and apply to the right places. When your technical skills reach a certain point it's really down to your personal quirks that will set you apart. And don't hesitate to work "early" on while still traning. There's no better way to learn about a market than to actually work in it. I love your art btw. Good luck!
Here's my submission. Didn't have time for the last one, glad I made it for this challenge. Wish everyone the best