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Tyre Blackshire
added comment inProject - Dynamic Shapes
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Here are my drawings. I appreciate any feedback and critique.
Tyre Blackshire
Asked for help
This took a lot longer than I thought it would. Part of it was me holding off on doing it because I knew I'd suck at it, but the more I worked on it, the more I felt things started to click. I will admit I started to rush towards the end, but overall, I think my proportions aren't as terrible as I thought they would be, but still pretty terrible. Also, my line quality still needs a lot of work. I'm looking forward to getting better and learning more. I apologize for the bad quality.
Tyre Blackshire
Asked for help
This one was harder than I thought it would be. I added Weezing since most Pokémon are made up of basic shapes.
Tyre Blackshire
Asked for help
This was pretty tough. I did my studies after Akira Egawa and Yoji Shinkawa. Looking at it now, I don't think the Riolu was the best fit for the purpose of the assignment, but I really liked her art style. I tried my best to replicate Yoji Shinkawa's use of lines, but I think the proportions looking off kind of ruins it. But this was fun. I'll do more after watching the demo and critique.
Metal Gear art is such a great idea for a study considering how much negative space there is.
Tyre Blackshire
Asked for help
The first one is Line Weight Hierarchy, and the second one is Light and Shadow. I appreciate any advice.
Tyre Blackshire
Asked for help
I did the beginning of Drawabox a few years ago so I have a little experience with these warmups.
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I don't think I did too bad, but they can be better. Thanks in advance for any advice.
Tyre Blackshire
Asked for help
My first attempt. I think the right boot could be better, but I ran out of space and, honestly, got tired of drawing it.
Tyre Blackshire
Asked for help
Nice! I like seeing your notes at the top, great idea to keep yourself on track. Try to imagine the pear as a 3D form -- this will help you better place your value shapes. If you think about where the light source is in 3D space, you will know that generally, the darker values will be on the sides of the pear that are turning away from the light source the most. The closer the side of the pear is to the light source, the lighter it will be. Here is a demo I made to help illustrate this idea. Hope this helps :)