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It's pretty disorganized, I try to make use of my as much of the paper as possible 😂 but this was good! I used to snowman so much more w/ my anatomy and I now understand why my poses are super stiff! Ill keep practicing, figure drawing is one of my favorite exercises.
Rachel Dawn Owens
I love figure drawing, especially the fast poses and I love you’re drawings here. This one particular figure you drew might be my favorite. The long curves are really dynamic and feel animated. The little triangle tip is something I do sometimes that I think could help this drawing too. Love it ❤️ Keep it up
First three are from reference, fourth blue one is og.
Rachel Dawn Owens
The last page of sea lions from imagination are the most dynamic. Some of the green ones get a little stiff. Youdid great!
Oooh awesome!
I'm very happy with how this came out! This was challenging especially the ear proportions but I think I got the hang of it! I mostly used the hat-to-brow as my measure. I would appreciate any critiques!
Melanie Scearce
Great job with the vertical proportions! The horizontal proportions are a touch wide. I think finding the correct angle of the cap above the ear and comparing the width with a unit, like the nose as an example, could help. Keep in mind that the facial features all form parallel angles in general. Your line quality is looking good, keep it up :)
This really helped, I didn’t realize we weren’t supposed to NOT think in 3D space for this which made it hard to simplify with simple shapes. Also doing shapes that aren’t just triangles, circles, and squares, like with the horns on the buffalo. I was trying waaaaay too hard to simplify with one stroke in my first go. This was good!
Any critique is appreciated! This assignment was tough, especially the hippo. I overthought the complexity of shapes trying to understand them in 3D space.
I did a study of Jim Lee's Green Lantern. The face was the hardest, any and all critiques would be helpful.
Ruata Hmar
first attempt. any critique please
The original is more angled backward with the torso and legs. The belt buckle's angle rly shows this and could help as a reference point in the future. It gives the pose rlly tense energy. You could try drawing a stick figure of the general pose with S curves to have as a structure for your final drawing to build around. This can help immediately show you how correct your perspective is w/o drawing too much yet.
Tyre Blackshire
This was pretty tough. I did my studies after Akira Egawa and Yoji Shinkawa. Looking at it now, I don't think the Riolu was the best fit for the purpose of the assignment, but I really liked her art style. I tried my best to replicate Yoji Shinkawa's use of lines, but I think the proportions looking off kind of ruins it. But this was fun. I'll do more after watching the demo and critique.
Metal Gear art is such a great idea for a study considering how much negative space there is.
Practice page: Redesigned study.
Ooooh I love this! Lilo's space outfit is so dope, I love that you took inspiration from Stitch's but made it unique to her.
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