Activity Feed
I used my pencil sharpener as a reference for this assignment. I am noticing how some of my passes are off model. It was admittedly hard not to refer to different sides of the sharpener in order to get a better understanding of the form, but I prevailed!
Marshall Vandruff
You prevailed. May you prevail and prevail and prevail!
I did these blobs the other day and am pleased with how I am already noticing form in everyday objects! I was new to this technique and wanted to give it a good try before doing the actual assignment. Blobs are honestly so fun! With these first passes, I wanted to do at least ten of them. I analyzed each one a bit while turning the images into a JPEG and noticed all the errors I made this first go round. Everything is a learning experience!
I can see where I need to improve on my lines for this assignment. I did the giant circle first and then the smaller circles. By the last circle (the one with blue lines), I began getting the hang of things a bit more. Question: I noticed that you did not really ghost your lines during the demo. Does eyeballing a point on the circle rather than ghosting to that point better connect your brain and hand(s)?
Marshall Vandruff
I didn't ghost on those lines, but ghosting is good! Try everything. Slow, fast, ghosted, direct, eyeballing a point... Try different surfaces, different tools. Some of the best straight-liners have different ways to get lines straight. Use this to find your favorite technique.
I strangely found this assignment to be therapeutic! I sat quietly with my drafting pencils, triangles, and T-square and went to work. I first did an adjoining impossible triangle. I was inspired by a single impossible triangle and tried to make it more interesting by directly joining it with another impossible triangle. The second page shows what looks like a TV on a stand. I found the shape to be interesting in that I could not figure out what it was supposed to be. This one was more of a tip-of-the-tongue image rather than a true optical illusion. The last page includes the letters "E" and "I" which I enjoyed drawing the most. I feel that I did pretty good with keeping the sides of each letter parallel to the other to make the image convincing in the absence of perspective. I had the letters go off the page on purpose to make the image even more convincing.
Very informative! I’ve heard great things about your 1994 perspective course, so I just had to get your newest version. I can’t wait to see more!
Renee Ing Akana
Buy both! The 1994 class is great!
The selection of artists that I've included here are some of those that I have admired since my teens. All of them are skilled in illustrating dynamic, emotive characters found in memorable scenescapes that make for engrossing pieces. Chase Conley is an episodic director who has worked on popular shows like the Boondocks and X-Men 97 among others. Seung Eun Kim is an executive producer and animation director who has also worked on the Boondocks as well as Thunder Cats and League of Legends. MC Escher is an artist well-known for perspective altering works that have gained the admiration of both scientists and mathematicians alike. Even with some dissimilarities in subject matter, each of these artists have inspired me in the way they make world-bending artwork look so convincing. I have a mind that is not subdued by the laws of reality. I would love to be able to depict my otherworldly ideas with believability. I have high hopes for Mashall Vandruff's course. I have heard good things about his perspective course from the 90s, so I already know that the modern version will be especially lifechanging!
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