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I'll be honest I'm not really sure I did this project properly but I really struggled to find artists that had pieces I was excited to draw that had interesting lines. And I feel like I chose two artists that don't really have a style that aligns with what we've been taught so far as the lines tend to be deliberately squiggly. But it wasn't a total bust - I did try sketching with coloured pencils like Nico Marlet which I found I quite liked. I'm also not sure if it was allowed but I think I would have preferred studying artists that post fanart rather than industry recognised artists? It's inktober so there's lots of cool stuff but I wasn't sure if that would be considered a master study? But I've definitely been doing a lot of that for my own sketches and I've enjoyed it! But long story short, I'm glad this assignment is done.
Melanie Scearce
I think it's totally beneficial to study anyone whose art you admire. There's a lot to glean from anyone who has put a ton of hours into learning how to draw, even if they aren't a "professional." Nice studies :)
First attempt overall I knew I wasn't doing something right but the demo made it much clearer, helps if you actually look at the photo! 😖, so second attempt is a lot better. The light and shadow one I was pretty confused about the contrast areas but the demo I think suggests you sort of just need to make a decision on it and go for it so I made a little key to follow. In hindsight I maybe would have changed them about slightly but I think understand the theory even if not the actual execution still needs some work!
Melanie Scearce
Nice improvement, you're on the right track!
Anawin L.
Here is my pre demo work for the Level 1 project. For both the penguin and the robot girl, I used their heads as a reference for scale. However, when it came to the hands, I struggled with determining the correct proportions and had difficulty with construction and scaling. I would greatly appreciate any recommendations or feedback. Thank you.
All three look amazing! I think the proportions on the hand looks good! Maybe it's just a case of picking an element like you did for the other two and using that to judge the proportions? Like the pointer finger or the wrist? Or just roughly boxing it out like he did in the last assignment?
I did not Want to see that
Here are all the drawings at once for the level 1 project, the first ones of each drawing is pre demo. I feel like am getting a little better at the S and C curves, but I will definitely have to do some line practice regardless. I do feel like some of my sketches pre demo look a little better, but that might be cause of the added detail? Not sure if that is the case tho. I will try the level 2 project as well, it looks really challenging and fun, and I am already collecting some images. If there are any points of improvements in these drawings, I appreciate any and all feedback
I love the penguins you've drawn! He has such a strong energy! The hands are really good too! And the difference between your first and second VR girl is really impressive!
Major takeaways after watching the demo was looking out for rhythms and actually looking at the whole shape, even if you can't see it, rather than just the lines. I think the hand is my favourite.
Melanie Scearce
Great work! You nailed it
I think the boots ended up better than the snail! Altho I really psyched myself and put it off. The second attempt at the boots I think might be less in proportion because I was trying to follow his advice in the demo and focus on confident lines. But I very much lack confidence 😅
Melanie Scearce
Don't sweat the confidence too much -- it comes with lots of practice! Your second pair of boots does look a lot cleaner and is more CSI conscious, so it seems like you absorbed a lot from the demo! Nice work.
I forgot to bring a sharpener with me and I definitely need to get a hold of 2B/4B pencils but I'm happy overall! It's actually really difficult keeping the value of the shading consistent and I find it hard to pick out the different values!
Melanie Scearce
Nice drawings! For me, it helps to start by laying in the darkest values. I can use that as a jumping off point to determine my lighter value range. You have the right idea testing the softness of the pencil at the top of your page. You can use your warm up exercises to help you lay out your value range as well.
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