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I did not Want to see that
I am actually a little lost on what stan meant with ''studying it'' I watched the demo to see if I could understand, but I still don't. I am planning on doing 4 master studies of 3 different artist, the one I have posted now is Yusuke Murata. But, before I do all of them, I wanted to see if I could perhaps get some enlightment about if what I am doing is correct or not, so I don't make the same mistake for the others. For what I have done with this one, you can obviously see I ''skipped'' some lines here and there, it having two reasons as to why. 70 percent of it is because I just decided to simplify some of the lines a little, and cut out some too here and there to just calm myself down and don't set my own expectations too high, but the other 30 percent is, and I will be very honest, I just thought it was a bit too much work to do, which is obviously not good to think. Around the end I cut some corners here and there to finish it, and I'll have to make sure I do not do that for the others, so that is why I am going to take my time for those this time. Regardless, if there are any people that can give me advice, I would be very thankful!
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Here is what I did for the post demo, with the last one being another attempt at the level 2 side of things. I like line weight, and I think you can do a lot of cool things with it. I definitely need to practice it more and more to keep improving at it. Once I finished this particular course, or I ran out of lessons to do, I'll just make my own little study regime with everything I have learned from this course, and keep doing those little assignments, along with other things I wanna improve on. The course has helped me feel less lost with studying drawing, which I really appreciate.
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These are all pre demo, I will rework them after watching all the demos. The first 2 are level one and the three following level 2. I actually really like line weight, I have still a lot to improve, but for this in particular project I actually hold a lot of enthusiasm to improve. Of course, just being a better artist in general I have the same amount of enthusiasm for, but I think we all have some points here and there we especially like. All my post are open to feedback and I do not mind nitpicks! I wish for myself to be better, so I do not mind throwing away the pride I have had up until now if that means I can improve even faster and better than before, but of course I would never expect replies.
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This project was very hard. I came into this really excited and full of cool ideas, but I lacked the skills to make those idea a reality. I haven't really drawn from imagination in the year I decided to take drawing and art seriously, just trying to find the best ways, methods, books and more to try and get the fundementals down as best as I could. I had a lot of roadblocks, and I should have done some things differently here and there, but I like to believe that with some of the fundementals, I got the basic idea. This project gave me a harsh, yet needed reality check that I still have a long way to go, but it also gave me reassurance that this course will help me more than I did myself last year. It was fun and frustrating at the same time. I decided to take the ironclad beetle as my inspiration for the characters I made, since it is supposed to be a beetle with a shell so hard it can take on like 30 thousand tons it's own body weight. I made two characters with this, one is the beetle with armor on standing up right. I am not really happy with this one, I like the idea, but I lacked the skills to bring that idea to paper. It also took me way more sketches than what I have showed here. The second one is the regular beetle, but infused with some crab like features, I like the idea, and I like most of the parts I gave it, but there is definitely room for improvement, alot if I do say so myself.
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Here are all the drawings at once for the level 1 project, the first ones of each drawing is pre demo. I feel like am getting a little better at the S and C curves, but I will definitely have to do some line practice regardless. I do feel like some of my sketches pre demo look a little better, but that might be cause of the added detail? Not sure if that is the case tho. I will try the level 2 project as well, it looks really challenging and fun, and I am already collecting some images. If there are any points of improvements in these drawings, I appreciate any and all feedback
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Did the camel, the first one is pre demo. I definitely feel that I have to practice my S and I curves more, and using my entire arm for them. I think I the straigh curves down as long as they're not too long, but practicing to be able to do that is also something I should do regardless. I've been doing both levels, but I have no idea where I am currently, I would like to believe I am level two of course, and I will continue doing those assignments too, but if someone thinks otherwise, feel free to let me know. Every critique and every comment I get is something I show huge gratification for, since those people take time out of their day to do so. I have a lot of appreciation of that and of course I do not expect to get it every single time.
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Alright got the first level done, already did the skeleton beforehand so only the camel is left. The first of each images are pre-demo and the second ones are after. I definitely need to focus on getting cleaner and more confident lines, occasionally I tend to put on too much strength in my hand when I am drawing, so I will have to work on getting rid of that habit one way or another. The skeleton after the demo seems to have a little improvement in line quality, but I am not sure.
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Did level two as well, never really practiced shading a lot in my own regime, except for the pen and ink drawing book from Alphonso dunn, I just mostly kept it to shapes in space and anatomy. The first is before and the second is after. I can obviously see points of improvement, if I had made the face shape a little wider for the one after the demo, it would have definitely look closer to the actual person, but it's definitely an upgrade from the first
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I have been drawing seriously everyday for a year now, there is this university in japan I want to go to, and it has to do with creating manga and just overall illustration. I bought some books and mainly focused on anatomy, drawing a lot of different shapes in space/interlocking and wedging them and manga studies, at first I improved, then after a while I stopped growing so much, because I did not really understand ''how'' to study from anatomy books, or just any books from that matter, then I watched some videos on how to get the best value from those books, and it mainly comes down to the fact that the best way is rotating the examples yourself, and drawing it from imagination, but I still feel quite lost, so I just decided to still try studying those books in that way, along with actually enrolling in some courses, to see if that helps. I am also thinking in joining some discord communities as well for that matter. Regardless, the first one is before the demo and the second is after.
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