Khae Tan
Khae Tan
freelance Illustrator and graphic designer
Activity Feed
Khae Tan
Asked for help
Hello everyone. This is my another attempt for gesture drawings. I tried to keep in mind that I was working with curves and flows and not too much focusing on the contours instead of on the gestures like 72sunny and Tristan Ortega said in my previous post, but sometimes I forgot to do so. Anyway, I tired as much as I can and I will pracitce more and more to improve the gesture drawings. Looking forward your feedback and critiques please. Thank you.
these look great, I can see that you are comfortable with the gestures. They are very clear. I think you are ready to go to the next lesson
Mira Sand
Hello everyone! This is my unexpected superhero and her sidekick: "Baba G and Pisi". Baba G's superpowers include but are not limited to: Pacifying you with her caretaking superpowers, Scolding you into shame and Overfeeding you with delicious goodness untill you cannot move. She spends her days tending to her garden and taking care of everyone around her-friend or foe. Nobody is immune to her tasty treats, her gentle touch or her words of wisdom. Wherever she goes, Pisi is right there to keep her company. She's inspired by my grandma-Georgia (85yo) and her sidekick is my cat-Pisi (14yo).
Khae Tan
Sweet Characters!
Khae Tan
Asked for help
Hello everyone. This is the first gesture drawings. I would like to request for feedback and critiques please. Thanks.
Tristan Ortega
I noticed that you are focusing on contour too much on contour. In the last image, you even constructed the contours of the arm instead of the gesture that conects the forms.
So when I look at your gesture drawings, the first thing that comes to mind is that your following the contour in some of them. For contrast, the man in the ballerina pose you drew has a very flow like movement about him. I have trouble with this too and what helps me is to remember I'm drawing with spaghetti. Noodles, curves, and flow-like is the way to go . Other then that, you have clean line work and an overall okay understanding of gesture to the point where i can definitely understand what's happening in every picture. Nice job, keep it up 8/10
Khae Tan
Hello Everyone. This is my submission for the challenge. I created a Recycle Bag as a Superhero. With his recyclable power he can turn trash into treasure (reusable material) to make the world a better place. Please enjoy!
radha goyal
its upto description of challenge.
I like the textures in the colouring here.
Lasse Jin Brøgger
I could be very rich if he came around :D Looks cute and very well rendered :)
Mira Sand
Hello everyone! I'm new here and I'm super excited to be a part of this community. Here's my submission for the challenge. In my submission James Gurney has fallen victim to his own fantastical creation, morphing into one of his beloved dinosaurs-the triceratops. I love dinosaurs and James Gurney is an incredible dinosaur artist so this just made sense to me. I had a lot of fun doing it. Special thanks to Proko, Ethan and the team for always providing the most fun challenges that help me break away from day to day work. #Prokochallenge
Khae Tan
Great work!
Stefan Sonnberger
Khae Tan
Khae Tan
Hello everyone, here is my submission. This is the illustration of Ethan Becker turning into a cute cat. Please enjoy. Thanks.
Mira Sand
Very good contrast and color choices, screams to be put on a t-shirt :)
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