Dave S
Dave S
Activity Feed
Dave S
This is my long study for the figure drawing course. Made some critical errors, mainly I worked way too small, he’s like 7” tall. But learned a lot and was good to work traditional for a change. Critiques would be super helpful. Thanks!
Dave S
Asked for help
Think I was a bit off on my measurement lines . Should have used a ruler. Still a good exercise.
Dave S
My notes on proportions. I was able to do about 70% from memory, then rewatched the video, fixed a couple things and added the measurements I missed.
Dave S
This was super difficult for me. Felt like I didn’t get the angle of the legs and feet right on the exaggerated pose. Critiques welcome.
Dead Dino
You must be tripping, this is great! The exaggerated pose looks 100 times better, really nice twist of the upper body there. It's the original pose where the angle of the ribcage looks a bit off, as if we were seeing only the back of the box, whilst we are supposed to clearly see the chest of the model (so we should see the front of the box). Don't be afraid to twist and deform those shapes a bit (you did it in wonderfully in the exaggerated pose); these volumes are supposed to be organic and flexible. I would suggest you use the square shoulders Stan sometimes uses in his mannequins, since they convey a better sense of direction that the spheres don't quite match, and that you're actually conveying better when you draw the deltoids. Great job, Dave!
Dave S
Did one study of a runner and another where I improvised the legs to make a standing figure off balance.
Dave S
Definitely need to work on my twists and clean up my lines. Need to do like a thousand more of these. Great exercise though. I couldn’t have drawn this a couple weeks ago beyond copying the contours of the photo.
Rachel Dawn Owens
Nice work!
Dave S
My Robo beans. I did the first set, then watched the critique vid, then did the second set with a little more data in my brain.
Dave S
I took notes then tried to find the landmarks on some reference images. I’m having a hard time seeing the scapula and all the bumps of the knee. Felt like I was guessing too much. Would love any feedback or help here. Thanks!
Melanie Scearce
For the bumps of the knee, the most obvious landmark is going to be the shape made by the patella on most people. Once you find that, you know that the landmarks of the condyles make a sort of square around it, and the fat pad below it makes an ice cream cone shape. The head of the fibula makes a bump in the bottom corner of the square. I think you did a good job finding the scapula! Great work.
Dave S
i need to work more on cubes and cylinders but this was great practice.
Good stuff my man. I would have used an cylinder for the torso of the rhino. Would show more of its form
Dave S
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