Dead Dino
Dead Dino
Motion Designer and Doodling Aficionado
Activity Feed
Dave S
This was super difficult for me. Felt like I didn’t get the angle of the legs and feet right on the exaggerated pose. Critiques welcome.
Dead Dino
You must be tripping, this is great! The exaggerated pose looks 100 times better, really nice twist of the upper body there. It's the original pose where the angle of the ribcage looks a bit off, as if we were seeing only the back of the box, whilst we are supposed to clearly see the chest of the model (so we should see the front of the box). Don't be afraid to twist and deform those shapes a bit (you did it in wonderfully in the exaggerated pose); these volumes are supposed to be organic and flexible. I would suggest you use the square shoulders Stan sometimes uses in his mannequins, since they convey a better sense of direction that the spheres don't quite match, and that you're actually conveying better when you draw the deltoids. Great job, Dave!
Tu George
Before and After watching Demo video, thank you. From Australia
Dead Dino
The improvement before and after the demo is astonishing! The contrast in the values and the proportions are much better. Congrats!
This is a great skill to hone! I see progress!
Dead Dino
Woah, massive improvement from just one demo!
Nikki De Backer
Here is my attempt after watching the demo. I used multiple pencils this time and tried to make the shapes more simple than last time. I did forget to shade according to the planes so my pencil strokes are a little bit messy. Now that I am watching the drawing from a screen I notice that I could have given the shirt a light value and that the shading is a bit messy. Feedback is always welcome!
Dead Dino
The accuracy here is amazing! Well done.
Eden Fries
Not as happy with this one. I think I’ll do digital next because I have a hard time not smudging and my pencils aren’t very good
Dead Dino
I actually love the non-smudged look! So clean, let’s you truly see the hand of the draftsman.
Dead Dino
First portrait attempt, before the demo.
Colin Dunphy
Hi everyone, here are my attempts at both levels prior to watching the demo videos. I feel pretty good about the pear however I think I could have used a variety of pencils to create more contrast between values, I also think I did not simplify the shapes enough for the objectives of the project. I gave the portrait a good go but I found it really difficult to draw the shapes using only straight lines! I struggled with the proportions (especially the eyes). What else could I do to improve my simplification of shapes/values? Thank you in advance!
Dead Dino
This rocks! I think you simplified very well. I had a similar problem with the value contrast, so I am considering to use different pencils on my next go, not just the 2B. I think the portrait contrast is very well done, it's the pear where it looks as if the highlight washed too much over the surface of the pair, as if another value was missing there.
Had a very hard time keeping sharp edges. Thank you in advance for your critiques.
Dead Dino
P.S. Thanks for putting the reference picture next to the drawing. It really makes the comparison and critiquing easier and more useful.
Joan Lacasse
Project 1, done without watching Mr Stan’s demo.   After watching the demo, I noticed two main mistakes I made when drawing my pears.   1st mistake: I used curved lines and not just straight lines. The drawing is less simplified.   2nd mistake: the line separating the light from the shadow should not always be the same thickness. I never realized that it had various thicknesses. I was already too happy to establish the terminator.   I will do the exercise level two with this new information in mind.   I am travelling all of October. Unfortunately, I will not be able to make much progress. As soon as I get back, I will be working hard. I really like the approach, the clarity, the precision and the professionalism of Mr. Stan.
Dead Dino
Fantastique! This is one pro quality assignment, very well done. I love how you stablish the terminator in such a clear way, and the background shading is a very nice touch. I couldn't fit the different values in the cast shadow of my drawings, but you did it flawlessly. Bravo!
Matt M
Hi! Here is my drawing of level-1-pear-2 before watching the demo, I am doing this on a tablet so it was interesting trying to shade with the pressure on the tablet, also tried not using the undo instead sticking to a 50% opacity eraser
Dead Dino
The difference is night and day! The contrast in this one is beautiful. How did you manage to make this digital one look so natural? I looks like real charcoal.
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