Veronika Zasadna
Veronika Zasadna
Activity Feed
Veronika Zasadna
Zes D
Joseph Osley
These are superb!
Veronika Zasadna
Week 2 of course, its still not perfect, but i already can see the difference between first and second challenge week. This week 5 minutes poses felt "longer" so i could even have some experiment with materials. Anyway, thank you for this challenge, it is such a cool motivation for me.
Alex Greenwood
Holy cow you're killing it
Veronika Zasadna
1 and 5 minutes sketches
Joseph Osley
Great rhythms throughout! Enjoying these!
Peter Orojan
20 min, the red head was 30 min... played around with some shading
Veronika Zasadna
So good!
Started with a bunch of 4min sketches and while doing that found a pose I really like, so I tested some materials and did a final drawing with a fineliner and brush pen.
Veronika Zasadna
Wow! Beautiful artwork! I love this details!
Juan Pablo
This is my attempt for day 10.
Veronika Zasadna
Incredible portrait!
Veronika Zasadna
Watercolour +colour pencils. 1hour+
Alex Otis
wow, amazing!
Alex Greenwood
Beautifully done
Moses Lee
masterful work!
incredible, so good. I'm inspired.
Chris Menken
This is amazing!!
Veronika Zasadna
30 minutes sketchbook, colour pencil I had so much fun ☺️
Alex Otis
Alex Greenwood
It’s hard to believe you where able to get such amazing layers with the colored pencils in just 30 minutes. Incredible job!
Maria Bygrove
Wow! I always try to say something more specific but this time: just wow!
Beautiful job
Peter Orojan
Wooow, lovely!
Gannon Beck
These are really cool
Joseph Osley
Excellent likeness of expression! Love it.
amazing! You have such talent!
Wow! Stunning work🤩
Veronika Zasadna
Alex Otis
you did a great job capturing the flow.
Veronika Zasadna
Alex Otis
nice work!
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