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Lancelot The Poet
added comment inHow to Draw Gesture
I have a question: where is the best place to get free models as references?
Scott G
youtube search type: "timed gesture drawing practice"
Asked for help
hrmm.. would really like it if there were some definitive answers here to correct myself ...
The second drawing, where you added a question mark: Yes, I think the spine would be closer toward her back, but the perspective isn't entirely a perfect side view, so maybe you're correct? It looks like almost a quarter angle view. The lower lumbar curve seems a hair too forward. But if you placed it exactly where her back curves, that wouldn't be correct either, since it's a slight angle past side view. Otherwise, these look great, and you're definitely on the right track.
Lance Brown
Hi, I have been working on the beans section for a while now (probably a couple of months, which might be too long I'm not too sure) and I am having a little bit of trouble with twists and keeping the beans looking "tidy" like Stan's. Does anyone have any advice on how to keep cleaner lines for the beans? I'm Using the overhand drawing technique shown in the shading section of the course.
Also, I have some beans to share! I would love some critique to help figure out where I can improve.
(Also also, I wanted to note that I tried to push the beans to an extreme, which I feel like I was able to do but unsure if I did it right)
I don't think there's a wrong time length for working on beans - it seems like an ongoing exercise to revisit and practice. Thanks for posting the image next to the bean for quick reference, which I know takes time, but makes for much easier viewing. It looks like you have a general understanding of the concept and have mastered "the way of the bean". ha ha. Not sure on "cleaner lines". Perhaps someone else can chime in. (I'm still fairly new to learning drawing techniques myself.)
Jose Angel Notario
Black and white digital painting of the actress who plays Moiraine Damodred in the Amazon TV series The Wheel of Time.
I hope you like it!
So I have completed 20hrs of Gesture Drawing, and I'm not sure I'm any closer to understanding Gesture.
Would appreciate any constructive criticism that would put me in the right direction. (part 3)
There is a benefit to the way you're practicing, but also there's a benefit to drawing dozens and dozens of quick figures with less detail, so just continue with both. Great work, overall. The detail is nice, but also practice with a more loose and free approach.
My homework! I always end up drawing the ribcage and pelvis too far from one another and then go correcting it later >.<
I wonder, is the use of lasso tool allowed here?
Tony Vu
Asked for help
Haven't dones this exercise in ages. I thought I would do a few to try to get a handle of the concept again.
Sara H
Asked for help
a few 30sec and some 2min drawings id love some feedback on, still pretty new to drawing as a whole, thank you! also curious when to add on the bean videos and work on that as well?
I go back and forth between messy/gesture and detail, too. Looks nice so far. Perhaps get a larger pad and do tons and tons of them. Not sure on when you should begin the bean videos. Looks like it's a good exercise on understanding things that twist/change shape. I have a tendency to skip around.