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Fernando Sanchez
added comment inProko Skull Challenge - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
Super excited to participate in this years October challenge, I hope this captures the halloween spirit!
Fernando Sanchez
Asked for help
Need some feed back on this 15 min figure drawing. I feel like my line work is sloppy and not really consistent, as well is my line rhythm. How should my approach be the next time I do this?
Tony Vu has some good points. Definitely just practice more and try to take into account the proportion (not anatomy) when drawing these. Still, it's great work, you just need to practice more, as we all do.
I think they're looking great! Each one flows well, and the one in the middle has a nice squash and stretch in the torso.
The issue I see is mainly a proportional one, whereby the legs look too short. The legs should encompass roughly half the figure's height (unless there's foreshortening of course but the first and third pose don't apear to be heavily foreshortened poses).
This will improve with more practice as you remember to quickly take note of the leg's length before laying down the line.
Keep it up, you're on the right track!
Hi everyone! I took a break from the portrait drawing course and I finally tried to face my fear and went to the figure drawing course.
Here are some of my 30 sec gesture exercises that I did for the first time. I still haven't done any 2-minute gestures because I feel like it's too complicated for me. I'll do some after I watched the step-by-step guide.
If you have any tips that you think that might help me, please feel free to share it!
(P.S I'm very sorry for the bad photo quality :c )
These are great! But try to not think of them as exactly stick figures! Find a flowing rhythm! The first pic is a good example but the last two are stiff and need more clarity of the pose! Try using S and c curves! Hope this critique helps!
Jess Flicker
Hey everyone,
I am new to drawing and really enjoying being a part of this community. I have been very inspired by others' posts and that's why I'm asking for my first critique!
I'm pretty happy with my 30s attempts but am really struggling with the 2m poses, especially the more 'static' poses, e.g. ref #13. My 2m poses seem to look flat and don't capture the dynamism of the movement. I know you can't do a realistic drawing in 2m but mine are looking cartoonish and, well, dull. Please don't hold back!
Thank you in advance, and wish everyone a safe and happy holidays.
Remember to see the rhythm! And don't imagine the poses as 2d flat surfaces, keep in mind of the form! Try using wrapping lines for the body to get a more 3D look! Hope this crit helps!
Kadin Lane
I plan to spend a lot of time in these hand lessons. I don't want to be one of those artists that dread the hand.