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Ken 3D
added comment inMannequinization – Structure of the Human Body
Asked for help
Here's my attempt. Any feedback is welcome.
These look great! You've got some really strong structure here. As you continue your practice, don't be afraid to push and pull the form a little bit and give it a little more life.
You have some areas where you do depart from a rigid structure and that does a lot! But you could do it a bit more often. Here's a Proko YT short about that if you're interested!
Some of the poses are bending foward and you seem to have drawn them stretching backward (the 2 from Yoni and that one from Laura) look for folds in the belly if you are having trouble understending the direction the torso and hips are going.
Also, try to look for the underlying structure and gesture of the trunk, not the other body parts. In that last drawing of Sekaa she is fully bending backward, but the action lines of her neck, arms and breasts can make it seem like her torso is curving upwards halfway through. The movement of the neck and arms do not affect the underlying structure of the torso
Did you trace over the photos? not seeing the landmarks in the "system" being described. I enjoy some of the choices you made, these are very fun to look at!
You cooked with this, good job. I think one thing that could improve it is by better showing the overlap like with Yoni's pose in the 2nd column at the top, and the lady's pose on the bottom of the first column
Ken 3D
Asked for help
Followed along with NMA's Daily Life Drawing Sessions videos on YouTube. Each video has 1, 2, 5min sessions. I often use it to practice coquis now and then. When it comes to gestures, I always find it hard to tell if I'm doing it right so any feedback is greatly appreciated.
they look pretty good and you seem to be good at judging proportions. but perhaps too distracted with the contour lines, the masses of the rib and pelvis lack a structured connection. imagine seeing through the body and maybe more robo bean practices would help.
And i find watching Michael Hampton's approach helpful too, its a good basis.
i’m also practicing gesture drawings using the same vids you mentioned. And seeing your warm-ups has reminded me to spend more time on mine, so tks :)
These look great, Ken. You are doing them right as long as you are having fun with them. I picked out the ones I found had a strong gestural quality and overlaid a curve over them. The one that stood out the most to me emphasized the action that was being portrayed by the model. Hope this helps! This is a great daily practice, keep it up!
Super cool. He looks like a shady character from a cyberpunk universe. I feel like he is gonna hook me up with some premium augments at a reasonable price... I just don't want to ask where they came from... Or be late with a payment.
@Ken J Yes, very amusing! The tail drawing really shows a nice dose of energy/impact absorption, and I love the idea of the thick intervertebral discs to support all his jumping around - pretty clever! Nice job and thank you for joining in, Ken!