Activity Feed
Eduardo Rangel Villarreal
By far these were my favorite!
Eduardo Rangel Villarreal
expressions are something I definitely need to work more!
Alex Greenwood
You did well. I’d recommend using thinner lines to keep the images more clear. Line weight can make a huge difference. Try using darker and thicker lines only on the silhouette and the areas of great significance. Drawing the eyes with lines just as thick as the wrinkles can make a drawing feel flat. Also don’t be afraid to erase the construction lines at the end, even if it goes past the timer a little. Over all good stuff though, I especially like the drawing in the bottom right on the second page. I can tell what reference you used for all the drawings and that’s a solid sign. Getting a likeness is hard. Happy drawing, hope I helped.
Eduardo Rangel Villarreal
4 poses 5 minutes each got caught up with details in the last 2 poses and added more time
Eduardo Rangel Villarreal
First one was 20 minutes second one 30+ focusing on armor and dropping
Alex Greenwood
Great job. When inking don’t be afraid to not follow the pencil. It seems like you are trying to follow your pencil really closely while inking but remember the pencil stage is just a guide for the ink. If you feel like you wanna go off the path a little to find a better line, do so. Penciling should be loose and quick, though not sloppy, and inking should be precise but with great gesture and flow. Over all good job. You where able to capture the transition from soft to hard forms very well. Hope this helps, happy holidays.
Eduardo Rangel Villarreal
Day 6 3 poses 20 minutes each, third one is my favorite I could really feel the warmup paying off faces tho… not my strong yet
Alex Greenwood
I don’t have any advice for you except just to keep it up. You’re definitely on the right path and I think you’ve got a ton of potential if you keep learning and practicing. Really good work
Eduardo Rangel Villarreal
2 poses 20 minute each this time I tried a different way to grab the pencil in order to apply less pressure to my line and use a different color for the first shapes
Alex Greenwood
I think these are great. I'd recommend drawing larger if you can. You're doing a great job (especially the first one) but I think if you drew larger you may loosen up and it would also give you some more room to get into your figures. Again though, great job. Happy Holidays
Eduardo Rangel Villarreal
Day 4 5 faces 10 min each I really struggled with this one
Alex Greenwood
You did a fantastic job. I can see which references you used and I especially like the female portrait in the top left. My advice for you would be to take some more time. Increase the duration of the timer to 20~25 minutes it’ll give you more time to measure and layin your portrait before you start darkening lines or filling in the shadows you’ve outlined. This will give you the ability to create more accurate proportions and likenesses. I hope you have a great holiday season and that you keep on drawing because I think you’ve got some amazing pieces in you. Again, fantastic job.
I never draw the hands before. This is the best i can do >_<
Eduardo Rangel Villarreal
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