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Alex Barban
added comment inHow to Draw Gesture
Asked for help
Hi these are my 2 min gesture drawings I use the overhand grip when drawing and alot of them I seem to can't finish fast enough but with all of this I struggle with making my gesture fit the page I either make them too big or just position them wrong to where they fall off the page any advice please.🥺

I see a nice indication of line of action in your drawings- assuming that this is your starting point- looks good. It seems that you are doing a good job of connecting the major masses. Timing is likely challenging since you appear to get caught up in details-cross contours to establish volume, more subtle curves of parts of limbs. These are not bad things, you might consider focusing on one aspect at a time otherwise you’ll run out of time. You may also try to simplify. It your goal is to add volume, then try with very basic shapes, circles, cylinders etc. Marco Sordi has some nice examples of various approaches to gesture and quick sketch.
Hey, I just wanted to give you a quick critique and some advice. Your gestures are good in the masses, meaning you have a great amount of them completely, but the best advice I can give is to try and make less scratchy lines; it shows how quick you are with them, and it's okay to get frustrated, but don't let that take control over your lines. Try to tame them and make single strokes with them even though some may not look like legs or foreshortened body parts, but it doesn't matter this early on; the objective is to be calm and loose, so try to make single BIG strokes when making the figure but besides that your centerlines look great they are there to guide you so focus on using that line to make your spacing with the whole body but yeah looks good keep the motivation.
These figure drawings are quite well done. I see that you understand the movement of those references, but I can also see that in the last two pictures, you're getting a lot of lumps, and I understand your trying to draw the musculature, but we aren't there yet. It just takes you to get that clean line of movement, so I would recommend not just using sci as small but trying to draw them bigger for example, use the s curve as the whole body instead of drawing the bumps. It's a sense of feeling if that makes sense, but besides that, you got it. Keep up the great work
Muhammad Jacobs
Asked for help
Hei Hei,
I'm learning again by following the YT videos. Here I've followed the examples to better my understanding of CSI.
The first drawing is me just copying the example (the second is me re-doing it from imagination). The rest is me trying the examples by myself first before copying the drawing examples. The last 3 is my first attempt at exaggeration, followed by the example, and then I retried it again. I followed the same timings as in the video.
I've noted my "style" changes drastically depending on which tutorial/book I'm studying from at the time. Is this normal for a beginner?
Looks great the clean lines are extremely important in your work they make your gestures feel clean and wavy keep up the great work
I'm really rusty after a long break from drawing regularly. Getting back into it now and this is my 2 minute gesture practice for the day!