Activity Feed

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Irving Penn Values Study. This is my value study from Irving Penn’s Nude #70. I am attracted to his work because of the dramatic contrast in value and the curves of the models. Have I captured curves, proportions, volume and values in this study?
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2023/1/22. Good morning everybody. Here’s some hands and feet gesture drawings I made for my daily 30 minutes warming up exercise (poses from 30 seconds to 10 minutes). Thanks and have a good Sunday.
Thanks for the tip-thinking about gesture in smaller body parts. Don’t know why this didn’t occur to me sooner. Did some gesture of faces and hands today- learned some things about the structure that didn’t seem easily solvable with boxes and cylinders.
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2023/1/17. Good morning everybody. Here’s my 30 minutes warming up exercise. Poses from 30 seconds to 10 minutes. Thanks.
For the first ones it seems like a basic loomis head with gestural features - interesting. Is this activity from the portrait drawing class?
Alex Barban
Asked for help
Hi these are my 2 min gesture drawings I use the overhand grip when drawing and alot of them I seem to can't finish fast enough but with all of this I struggle with making my gesture fit the page I either make them too big or just position them wrong to where they fall off the page any advice please.🥺
I see a nice indication of line of action in your drawings- assuming that this is your starting point- looks good. It seems that you are doing a good job of connecting the major masses. Timing is likely challenging since you appear to get caught up in details-cross contours to establish volume, more subtle curves of parts of limbs. These are not bad things, you might consider focusing on one aspect at a time otherwise you’ll run out of time. You may also try to simplify. It your goal is to add volume, then try with very basic shapes, circles, cylinders etc. Marco Sordi has some nice examples of various approaches to gesture and quick sketch.
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2023/1/14. Good morning everybody. Just started the practice day with some gesture drawings (poses from 30 secs to 10 mins). Thanks and have a good weekend.
Mathias Ragnarsson
Asked for help
Rib cage assignment.
An egg shape? That can’t be too complicated! Or…
Even though the big shape is simple, it proved to be a bit of a challenge to make it read clearly. In some angles it didn’t make for any sharp corners, especially in my second image where the top plane makes it all look flat to me. In contrast I thought my back view had a more interesting angle for drawing the rib cage.
Any helpful feedback is always appreciated!
A couple of points from the standing pose from the front. The perspective lines appear parallel, they should converge- I struggle with this too. Sometimes it is good to exaggerate a bit at first. The second point, with the far side of the rib cage, I don’t think you would see the side plane as drawn. The side plane is hidden by the front plane. This distorts the sense of depth.
I like your approach here, including the individual ribs and cartilage. I may try this too. A small thing, although you have perspective lines, they don’t appear to converge.
Nihi Sus
Asked for help
There's an Assignment here... but Proko doesnt say what the assignment is??? Unknowing what im supposed to do I just went ahead and drew boxes from memory and tried to then apply the form of the ribcage into them
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Hey guys, I have some more pen gesture, all of it being 1 minute. I really struggle with 1 minute poses, so I here I've tried to face it head on. I believe most of it is from either or Anyway, I got this fountain pen for Christmas (which are different than dip pens I guess) and wanted to try it out. Am I focusing too much on contours? Should I focus more on line weight? Comments are always welcome.
I like your approach to facing the problem head on - inspiring me to try some gesture with dip and fountain pens. With short poses, i think that you have done well capturing some of the subtle contours eg fat around hips / thighs (or that is how I interpreted some of the contours). It seems with some poses that you focused more on details and didn’t capture the whole pose.
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2023/1/10. Good morning everybody. Here’s my today’s warming up exercise (from 30 seconds to 10 minutes poses). Thanks.
For the last pose with shading, the consistent direction of shading lines across the back and hair works nicely- I need to keep directionality more consistent in my shading! Thank you for sharing.