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Unfortunately, my first two attempts didn’t turn out quite the way I wanted. I think I was unconsciously rushing and the straight lines were confusing me usually I go for a more of a round shape.
I feel you on the straight lines confusion part. Same thing happened to me. I honestly like your shading.
If someone can please provide me a critique. Thank you :)
Anna Sch
These look exactly like my first figure drawings a few years ago :)
Alex Barban
These figure drawings are quite well done. I see that you understand the movement of those references, but I can also see that in the last two pictures, you're getting a lot of lumps, and I understand your trying to draw the musculature, but we aren't there yet. It just takes you to get that clean line of movement, so I would recommend not just using sci as small but trying to draw them bigger for example, use the s curve as the whole body instead of drawing the bumps. It's a sense of feeling if that makes sense, but besides that, you got it. Keep up the great work
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