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Is this a scheduled course? I noticed that the Drawing basics course was a label telling you you could work at your own pace, but I don't see that label here.
General question: How do we know when we've gotten confident enough in one section to move onto the next? I feel I'm starting to get the hang of gesture and the bean, but I don't want to build off of that before they're second-nature... or should I Just be powering forward, and continuing to practice fundamentals on the side as I go? Any input would be appreciated, thanks!
You're the best judge, but I would say when you can get consistent results. You don't need to master a topic before moving on but you definitely want to have a good grasp on the concepts and be able to execute them. Occasionally you might get stuck on something and find that leaving it for a while and returning to it later triggers a breakthrough. Follow what feels right to you!
I have come to really love and enjoy gesture a lot that's it's almost all I want to do every day! I was feeling pretty comfortable with my natural gestures lately and I wanted to try doing it in different ways. I found someone else's gesture works and I LOVED how they looked, so I've been trying to emulate their style as I work on them.
Usually I do figures like this in about a minute, but I give myself 2 for style studies so I can take it a bit slower and observe the model and the reference and ponder a moment on how the other artist is thinking. I hope to incorporate a lot of this into my own.
There's another gorgeous gesture artist I've seen that uses a lot of shadow to define the shapes and barely any contour at all, absolutely stunning work, I wish I could find the originals I saw, but I had only seen them as an example in a video that I don't remember.
Hey Stan, i wanna ask if is it okay to have messy lines in my figure drawing cause you said that you need to get the flow of it and also i am having trouble exagerating my poses to make them expressive and it is a SERIOUS problem since i am practicing for MONTHS soooooo, can you help i appreciate it.
Have you done thousands of practices or did you start a lot of months ago? Think of it more in volume than time. And in my humble opinion its perfectly fine to have messy lines. Eventually you'll focus on landing the mark with fewer lines.
Hi do we need to do drawbox to get theough the mannequinization part of this course
Not sure if this is the right place for questions, but does purchasing this course come with assignment reviews? I saw a video review that said that you must complete assignments and then reviewers will let you know if you are ready for the next assignment.
Would be nice to have a 3D model of the robo bean, just saying :p
My initial foray into landmarks following Stan. I am aware that my angles, proportions and shapes are areas I need to work on (in addition to line quality)
structure work. I struggled to grasp the core concepts and what was required. Needed to go outside the course and learn a bit about perspective.
gesture and one minute poses. I think I get it but would benefit from more practice and more decisive mark making
Practicing Gesture. I still struggle with drawing the legs. Any advice would be helpful.
Hello, I’ve just gotten back into drawing after more than a decade.
Some I drew on top of others, so I don’t know how clearly it will read.
Any critique would be welcome, I feel like I’m doing something wrong but I don’t know what.
First congrats for starting to draw again!
What i first can see is that you try to find the contours with too many lines at a time. I also still have problems with scratchy lines and have to be really patient while drawing.
-try to use less lines, or practice to build up the lines on top of each other instead of next to each other
- maybe warm up with some more beans before drawing figures and rewatch how proko is drawing. Hes planning every single stroke really well and sometimes you can see him ghosting the lines in the air befor he puts the pencil on the paper
- you should check out his latest free videos on YT about drawing basics and line quality. I think you can benifit from it !
keep going and be patient with yourself. You will see that your lines will get better with regular practice. I swear.
My first attempts at gesture.
I have rekindled my old love for drawing in recent weeks, but I find myself without direction. I figured going for a more classical schooling would help me on my way to my goal of comic art. Understanding the human body has always been my downfall and I feel like these classes are helping. Unfortunately they are no where near refined and they took maybe a little bit longer than 2 mins a piece.
Figure Drawing Fundamentals