Darian Quilloy
Darian Quilloy
I draw terribly cursed things that are better left off in the void
Activity Feed
Darian Quilloy
Be careful Trick-or-Treating out alone
Darian Quilloy
I love the distorted demented expressions of everything.
Hey there! Love your idea and composition. The dad's droopy eye on the left is killing it a bit - I think you'd have a great piece if you would change that a little
Aki Letvio
Send help.
Darian Quilloy
Redid my submission because I didn't read the rules properly and made it realistic rather than a loose drawing. So here is the improved submission!
Adriano Antonio
What a light! @-@
That's really neat! I love all the light reflections and lens flares.
Peter Cohen
Here's my direction for the snowball fight, any suggestions for composition, shapes, anything else?
Darian Quilloy
Possibly some more "motion"? The characters are rather stiff. Otherwise, good job! Excited to see the product
Darian Quilloy
Talal Zulfiqar
love the colour scheme and the "silhoutted" figures
Darian Quilloy
My submission for the Proko challenge!
Gasper_art Atilano Bravo
hey, I really love the skull design and the pose like he´is screaming ! may be another layer of buildings between the monster and the others could help with the illusion of depth but anyways i like the overal atmosphere .
Lig ma
This is mine. First time after a long time but as this is a learning opportunity for me, do not leave anything behind in critiquing Also, made some fanart unrelated to this challenge. Pls check it out 🙏🙏🙏. Heres the link :https://bit.ly/3kRNHp2
Darian Quilloy
I appreciate the unrelated fanart, very cool
Darian Quilloy
Here is my submission to the September challenge, Reference Bash!
Draco Artn
Good job
This is so creative!
Kei Kun
there is no way this ain't getting some form of a pize
Casey Chavez
Whoa! The FIG stomach! <3
Darian Quilloy
Added a more gory and horrific spin on things... Ph1lza Minecraft!
Mira Sand
This is sooo creepy in a good way!
This is awesomely disturbing!
Cold Creature
I saw this on insta! So creepy- well done!
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