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added comment inProject - Simplify to CSI
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I really loved doing these. I enjoyed the freedom of just focusing on line confidence and not being super worried about measuring. There’s also something really satisfying about simplifying images
Feeling really good after watching this demo. I did almost the same steps as Stan before I watched this! It’s a good reminder that I need to trust my instincts and not second guess myself so much
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The snail was a lot of fun but hot damn those boots were a lot more challenging than I anticipated!
Lots of problems in my proportions. It’s kind of funny how looking at it in person looks fine then when I see the thumbnail photo of my reference, I can see all the issues…. I should probably start utilizing squinting my eyes while looking at the object.
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I found this black and white photo that I thought would be a good exercise. I really tried to keep it simplified and with only 5 values. It was a lot more challenging than expected.
I can see the perspective is off. The excersice wasnt about that and I know it will come later in the course. So ignore this if it feels overkill at the moment. I made guide lines on the refererence photo. Every line I drew goes to the same varnishing point outside the picture. If something is horisontally and it is going Away from you. It never gets bigger as further away its gets. Allways smaller. If its not have a irregular shape and actually is much bigger further away. Your roof is higher further away.
Hello Britany! Great drawing and thanks for sharing. The value changes in this photo seem to lay in the shadows for me. So I would lay the value shift more towards the darks rather than the lights. It feels like it goes white straight into a gray ( sky being the next lightest tone ). Overall on your drawing I would recommend going over some areas to get it darkened so that the white really stands out.
Wow, I like it! What did you use to draw it? Looks like it would have taken a while to draw. Well done!
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After I read on facebook that proko want us to try the assigment again after his example video i thought Ill do that. But with another portrait because I easily get bored if i draw the same thing to many times. Hawkeye.
i found this image and thought it would make a great reference for this project. I had a really hard time mapping out the proper proportions and then I started getting lost when trying to create 5 clear values. I’m proud of myself for finishing but I very clearly struggled
I think is nice to see the simplification of the forms, also maybe there are some difficult in put the right shadow in some areas (like the hair). Overall, very nice drawing, also I really like the subject. :)
I like it! I understand what you're saying about the difficulty and getting lost, but it looks good. I think you were successful. I'm glad you finished it.
I don’t have 5 clear values and I definitely got a little lost along the way but I finished!
The pear on the left I did following along with the demo. The pear on the right I did on my own after doing the demo pear … I followed the same steps on my own but the demo pear still looks way better. Time to keep practicing
Hey everyone!
I just want to verify that this is the first lesson. I’m new to Proko so just want to make sure I’m not missing anything!
He has posted a few video's but no projects yet. Gave a list of art material and said to start playing with them.
You haven't missed anything! This is indeed the first lesson. It's my first Proko course as well!